Chapter 24

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"Don't ye look beautiful," Granda said, holding both her hands. 

"Th-thanks, G-g-granda," Lauryn said, her cheeks flushing slightly. 

"I agree, house mouse," Luke said, smiling. 

She looked down at the shin-length light blue gingham dress she had picked to wear. It was new; a reward she bought herself for graduating. She had seen it in the window of a small independent shop in the King's Road in Chelsea on a walk with Luke. He had patiently gone into the shop with her and waited as she tried it on. She knew he was just happy to see that she was excited about something...anything.

It was Luke who was getting her out of bed. He had been making her do two things each day in addition to her scheduled physical and psycho therapy: bathe, and walk with him during his lunch break. He pestered her enough to make her annoyed, but she knew it was out of love. And it always made her feel better. She wasn't sure how she had gone through life before having him as a friend.

"Ye really do, runt," Patty said, putting his arm around her shoulders, "A grown up runt."

"Me wee sister's a proper lady," Bridget said, smiling.

Bridget had curled Lauryn's hair, helped her with her makeup, and painted her finger and toenails a light pink. All the things Lauryn would have been thrilled for her to do when she was a little girl. And now, she was grateful for her help. Even though her balance had improved a great deal, as had her ability to be more independent -- thanks to Nicky -- her very fine motor skills were still weak. 

Lauryn gave her a small smile. 

"All set to graduate from a master's program. First in the family," Granda said, his blue eyes twinkling. 

The reality was that Lauryn was the first to even go to university, much less finish and go on to a master's program. Patty had gone into the military, Bridget right into having babies, and her other brothers, farm work and shipbuilding. It was something she never forgot. If Granda had been able to go, she was sure he would be an incredible architect himself. 

"Are you ready to go?" Luke asked. 

"Aye," Lauryn said softly, looking around the room for her cap, gown, and graduation hood -- violet colored for architecture.

Her eyes caught on a photo of her and Marie. Marie was standing behind her, arms around her waist, both of them laughing. It had been at Lauryn's 25th birthday party just a few months prior.

Before I messed everything up.

Patty must have seen her expression change and he lightly laid a hand on her shoulder.

"She'll be there. Ye gave her the details and she said she would come. When has she ever broken a promise to ye?"

"N-never," Lauryn said quietly. 

Luke put an arm around her shoulders and squeezed. 

"And besides, Laur, Theo's going to be there. I invited her. I doubt she would come without Marie. Inseparable hotties." 

Lauryn rolled her eyes, forgetting her heartache for a moment.

"Is th-that w-why y-y-you're d-d-dressed l-like y-you've b-been invited t-t-to a b-ball at B-b-buckingham P-p-palace?" she asked, looking at his very formal suit and bow tie despite the heat outside, "T-to s-seduce Theo b-back into b-being d-daft enough t-to b-being w-with y-you?"

He smiled and said, "No, I dressed up for Gran."

"'E certainly did not," Luke's Gran said from the other side of the room, "Allus chasin' the ladies 'e is! Since 'e was a little bloke!"

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