Chapter 12

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The elevator made its way slowly up the nine floors. Marie held Pippa's little overnight bag in one hand and her daughter's little hand in the other. It reached the final floor and she led her  into the lobby.

"Mummy?" she asked, tugging on her hand and looking up at her.

"Yes, darling?" 

"Is Lauryn okay now?"

Kind little Pippa.

Pippa had made Lauryn many cards while she was still in the hospital and even afterwards. Lauryn loved each and every one of them, keeping them all tacked to the refrigerator with magnets. And anytime Marie would call to check on the children and Lauryn was awake, she would speak to Pippa. Marie was incredibly happy that she and Pippa were growing such a close relationship.

Jack was much more difficult, even though it was clear he liked Lauryn. Marie knew he couldn't quite understand why she and Marshall wouldn't try to be together and still felt like she had picked Lauryn over him. But, she had to applaud Marshall. He brought up Lauryn and her being together positively all the time according to Pippa, trying to get Jack to accept, and eventually, embrace it. Marie was incredibly grateful that Marshall had made a complete 180 degree turn from where he had been the same time last year. And he seemed to be making great efforts to make up for everything he had put her through before, keeping true to his word.

This weekend, Jack was with Marshall on a Scouts camping trip in Northumberland, which she knew made him incredibly happy. And, Marshall had arranged for Joey, the little boy Lauryn and Marie had met at the police station, to join Jack's Scout group. The two boys had become fast friends, much to the delight of both Marie and Joey's grandmother. Joey was a positive, easygoing little boy with a great sense of humor, who was clearly a good influence on her impatient and competitive son. And, Marie was glad to give Mrs. Brown a break from taking care of her energetic grandson.

So, this weekend she could dedicate to Pippa, whom she felt she hadn't given enough attention to in the last few months with the chaos that had swirled around them. She thought it would be nice to show Pippa their home as a special little trip. Even though the agreement between her and Marshall was that they would spend their time with the children at the house, Jack was off having his adventure with Marshall that weekend, and Marie wanted to do something special with Pippa. And, since Pippa had wanted to see Lauryn and Marie didn't yet feel comfortable leaving her alone for long periods nor was she up for venturing far from the house, this idea seemed perfect.

Marie knelt on one knee and brushed the hair back from her daughter's face, clipping the blue bow more firmly in her blonde curls. 

"She's on the mend, Pip. But you do need to be gentle with her, alright?" she said, lightly stroking her little cheek with her thumb. 

She nodded solemnly. 

"I'll be careful. Promise, mummy."

"Good girl." 

Pippa looked up at her, her mind clearly full of questions. 

"Pippa, do you have a question?" 

She nodded. 

"Okay, darling. You know you can ask me anything."

"Um...gran'pa said that Lauryn isn't just your friend anymore so things might be different. And I know she's your girlfriend 'cause you told us that. But..."

She looked perplexed as to what she even wanted to ask. 

"Do you want to ask if she's different now than she was before?"

Pippa nodded again. 

"No, baby. She's the same. Just still a little hurt and tired, that's all. And we are the same except for the fact that I hug and kiss her now since we are girlfriends. Just like how Ariel and Eric are in The Little Mermaid," Marie said, referencing Pippa's favorite princess film, "But instead of a boy and a girl, it's two girls. Does that make sense?"

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