Chapter 3

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A/N: Help me I don't know how to write in Ganondorf's POV ;-;

Forgive me if part of this chappie is bad, peeps. I'm sorry.

     So a week passed by.

     Sleep evaded Zelda when she needed it the most, and she spent most of the night pacing, praying to every deity she could scrap together from her scattered education for either that everything would go well tomorrow, or for her to fall asleep soon.

     She ended up knocked out because of sheer exhaustion at around 5 a.m., only to be woken up at 6 a.m. to pick up Ganondorf all the way from the Gerudo Desert.

     Annoyance from lack of sleep turned into panicky anxiety as she tried to pick out a correct dress, the correct ornaments. She had totally taken classes on what clothes to wear for what occasions, and how to make jewelry look good with some colours of fabric, but obviously she had not taken in two words apiece. 

     In the end she just threw on a plain, white blouse with golden buttons, with a navy blue skirt that brushed the ground lightly when she walked, shimmering like the very essence of starlight captured with jewels encrusted below the light lace. She knew that the skirt would get dirty in the Gerudo Desert's shifting sands, but she couldn't find it in herself to care anymore.

     She had ordered one of the most well-built carriages of Hyrule Castle, nothing too fancy and extravagant, but elegant and sturdy, to wait for their arrival at Gerudo Canyon Stable (I'm using the map of BotW, by the way, even though the story is not canon to that game) and for a moderate amount of armed soldiers to accompany the carriage. 

     Suddenly Zelda got a strange urge to bring Aria along. She told herself that she was being stupid. 

     Zelda pinned up her hair, and slid a comb adorned with a glass silent princess figure into her loose bun. She let a few golden brown locks frame her face and looked at herself critically in the mirror.



     She fiddled with the fabric of her skirt the entire trip over to Gerudo Canyon Stable, wrought with worries, hardly able to think about anything else than Hyruleans, her court, and Ganondorf himself, then stepped alone over the barrier of cement over to the dangerous sands.

     Her boots fought not to slip, sinking with every step, and just the trip itself, the rising temperatures, the sun burning bright on the horizon, the absolute lack of moisture in the air -- just walking through the desert almost made her want to turn back, to forget about it. 

     Within a few minutes her blouse was soaked through with sweat, her arms ached from holding the long skirt up in a valiant attempt of preventing it from getting caked with sand.  

     Whose idea was this?

     Oh, right.

     Her own.

     Why didn't she ride the carriage? Well, she wanted to appear sincere, arriving at Gerudo Town as herself, Zelda, not Princess Zelda of Hyrule. 

     If that was the case, then Zelda's first impression was that of an exhausted, stubborn girl, her hair messy, the pin she had so meticulously placed in the exact right position askew, the hems of her skirt absolutely filthy.

     The Gerudo guards eyed her with skeptical judgement.

     "You are Princess Zelda?" One of them spoke through her mask. Zelda should have brought a mask. She had spat out more mouthfuls of sand than she could count.

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