Chapter 29

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     "Zelda!" Aria's breath snagged in her throat. She rushed over to her, Ganondorf following close behind. 

     She was crumpled on the ground, panting, her head down. 

     There was something about her, Zelda. Something that made Aria uneasy, made her not want to approach no matter how much she wanted to.

     Ganondorf had no such qualms. He walked closer, taking her cheek in his hand, concern evident in his eyes.

     Slowly, oh so slowly, Zelda raised her gaze from the floor, and Aria fought the urge to scream and run as far away from her as possible.

     Her eyes. They were swallowed in an ocean of pearly white.

     Aria swallowed the bile rising in her throat.

     "Zelda." Ganondorf murmured, his voice soft. 

     Instinctively, Aria pulled Link closer to her.

     "One will not leave this room." Her voice had changed. It was a raspy whisper, that didn't belong to this woman on the dusty floor.

     "One will remain here forever." Slowly she pushed herself to her feet, her movements jerky. Her eyes flickered between white and her normal, terrified brown.

     "One will bind the portal for eternity." A knife Aria never knew she had flashed in her hands, and as she stepped closer, a small smile twisted her face.

     "One will ensure Hyrule's peace." Zelda stopped. "Take your pick."

     Suddenly Aria understood, in one bright beam of connection.

     The portal wasn't completely gone. It needed one final binding, a breath of life to seal away death. 

     And there were four living people right there in that room, breathing, their hearts beating.

     Only three would leave.

     Suddenly there was a small hand in hers. She whipped around, startled, and saw Ganondorf and Link, both frantically shaking their heads.

     It suddenly struck her, how alike they looked.

     "Is there another way?" She breathed.


     "I can't break your family." A family. Made of love.

     More silence.

     "I don't mind dying." Aria felt as though she was talking to herself. It annoyed her.

     Zelda was standing, as still as a statue. Her eyes flickered faster, white, brown, white, brown. Aria watched them.

     "You can't." Ganondorf said, firmly, his eyes running wild with thought. "There's got to be another way!"

     "What do you suggest, then?" Aria was bordering on hysteria. "There can be no happily ever after. The very goddesses themselves have made that quite clear."

     And to add the final, cruel touch, Zelda herself would do it.

     "Let me talk to her." Ganondorf let his mask slip for a fraction of a second, and Aria saw exactly how unsettled, how scared he truly was. "I need to talk to her first. I must."

     Aria swallowed hard and stepped back, her eyes dull, holding Link's trembling form in her arms.

     "Come back to me, Zelda." He whispered, approaching her cautiously. "Listen to my voice. Everything is okay."

Blinding Darkness - Zelda X GanondorfWhere stories live. Discover now