Chapter 13

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     Zelda must have been dreaming.

     But he was real. More real than he should have been.

     She steadied herself, clearing her mind as well as she could. 

     This man -- Link, apparently -- waited silently, his striking blue eyes impassive, cooler than twin chips of ice.

     "There must have been a mistake." She tried to sound calm, in control, and failing miserably. 

     "I ask nothing of you, Princess Zelda, other than to simply not work against me." He said. "I know of my purpose in this world. And it is here in this very Castle."

     Ganondorf. A frigid claw of fear closed around her heart. 

     "The Master Sword. Where is it?" She was now grasping at anything to convince herself that this man must not be the real Hero. Hyrule already had a Hero, right? There could not be two, right?

     "The Master Sword is not in my possession." He replied evenly. "I want only to take care of a bit of unfinished business here, and then I will leave the Castle. And it has hardly anything to do with Lord Ganondorf, therefore you may cease worrying so much."

     Somehow those words only made her more anxious.

     Nothing to do with Ganondorf?

     Then what?

     "Would you rather I finished my job here as soon as possible, or in the morning, Your Highness?" His tone was definitely mocking. 

     "Uh, you're welcome to stay in the Castle." Even as the words left her mouth, she wished that she could take them back.

     She didn't trust this man, whose eyes foretold nothing but ill. (EVIL EYES from oot lmao)

     But she could not do much except numbly show him to his chamber and watch him bow to her and close the door quietly.

     Zelda turned away from the door and blinked rapidly a few times to get her bearings.

     Speak to Ganondorf immediately. Then, if possible, Aria.

     So she found herself knocking at his door at around 11 pm in the night.

     "Yes, Zelda?" To her surprise, he responded immediately. 

     And she told him everything. Link's arrival, his words, and how he was staying right there a few rooms away.


     "Yes, it was stupid." She held up her hands. "Yes, I am dumb. That's not news by now. Now what?" She hated how hysterical she sounded.

    "So now we got this situation." She couldn't read his voice. "And this guy who claims that he is the Hero, but doesn't have the Master Sword, is now let into the Castle. Anything can happen, Zelda."

     "I know, I know." She sighed and rubbed her temples. "He said that he had some unfinished business here to do, and once he did it, he would get out. But can I believe anything he says?"

     "Somehow, from the sound of it, I believe he is telling the truth." His brow was furrowed, deep in thought. "But it's what he's not saying I'm worried about. He had never specified what his business here is, right?"

     "Yes." She clarified, feeling a hollow foreboding settle in her stomach.

     "You must keep an eye on him." His eyes were keen with a racing mind. "It's risky for me, because he is Link, or something close to Link. However, you can do so relatively safety."

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