Chapter 7

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A/N: Okay. Last chapter, Ganondorf was so weird. I don't even know why I made him like that. :P

     Zelda was absolutely screwed.

     No joke. 

     Pretty much infinite power over the biggest and most prominent kingdom in this dimension?

     Never mind with that. She was screwed.

     She leapt up from her seat on the bench of the royal gardens and resumed pacing, again.

     The more she thought about it, the more screwed she was.

     Link and Ganondorf. Together. Breathing the same air. Drinking the same water. Living within the same walls. 

     As though she wasn't troubled enough, trying to keep her people off of Ganondorf, trying to convince everyone to not hate everything about him when she didn't trust him at all.

     The person dearest to her had completely shifted, shed everything that made Aria who she was, carefree despite a dark past, a flaming cannonball of pure energy. 

     Now she was the person whose entire purpose of existence was to hunt down Ganondorf and kill him.

     And said Ganondorf was right here. Right. Here.

     Zelda sat down again, fighting for breath. The very next moment she jumped up and started pacing again.

     At the moment, Aria was oblivious and Ganondorf could have an inkling. This would not play out well. If Ganondorf found out that Aria was who she was before she realized, that would give him all the wrong ideas. He would accuse Zelda of hiding the Hero and waiting for the perfect moment to attack, when that wasn't her intention at all. And everything she worked towards would be instantly shattered.

     But if she told Aria as soon as possible, what would happen then?

     Aria was still but a child. Countless years of experience told Zelda that if she were to awaken before she was ready, she would not be able to keep her sanity. Scar upon scar left over from the struggles of men much, much older than she was would sear themselves onto her vulnerable mind, already so damaged.

     And she would awaken prematurely if she were to realize who she was.

     So what was Zelda to do?

     She knew that she had to do everything in her power to keep them away from each other. But she had to do it subtly so as to not stir any suspicions, from Ganondorf, Aria, her people, and her court.

     Zelda collapsed on the unfortunate bench again, raising her eyes to the heavens, stars already shining through the rapidly darkening horizon line, the moon a glowing, silky silver crescent slowly climbing the endlessly navy skies, streaks clouds huddled around the looming darkness stained a blood red by the dying sun.


     With Ganondorf's eyes everywhere, reading deeply into her very soul, how?

     With her court already so doubtful of her skills as ruler, how?

     With her people horrified, enraged, perhaps already planning in the dark to assassinate Ganondorf, how?

     With Aria so young, so innocent, so fragile despite her deadly battle skills, how?

     She would find a way.

     Zelda was stubborn enough to always find a way.

     She hardened her resolve and stood up from the chair, her hands balled into fists.  

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