Chapter 26

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Two years of war.

     Aria stood alone at the very place where light and shadows met.

     The harsh years had sharpened her features, and at thirteen, she was already losing the childish roundness in her face, the softness in her eyes. Her hair was as short as ever, yet everything else about her had completely changed.

     Dimly Aria wondered if Zelda would still recognize her if it weren't for her golden eyes.

     Taking a steadying breath, she unsheathed the Master Sword. It lit up with a clear, blue light, so close to such a huge reserve of darkness.

     And then she stepped through.

     Immediately voices sounded, echoing through the vast expense of nothingness and destruction that once was Castle Town. Shadow beasts prowled the barren land, feasting on the shadows that hung over the Castle like a giant cloud.

     Morning turned rapidly into deep night the further she stepped into the core of the darkness. Aria held out the Master Sword like a torch, it lighting up only a little ways for her.

     She did not falter. Even as an embodiment of sunlight where light was choked to death, she walked on.

     No beast stopped to fight her. Even as stupid as they were, two years were enough of a lesson. They cowered out of her way, and she let them be. She would not waste time on those mindless creatures today.

     Aria halted at the entrance of the Castle.

     Even with all that she was doing, it wasn't enough. The vile blight of darkness had spread into Castle Town, reducing it to ruins. It was all she could do to survive in its suffocating mist, with the aid of the Triforce.

     And yet, she could not stop returning. She knew what the consequences were if she put her task behind.

     If I die today, take care of Link. She prayed to the Goddesses, a detached habit by now as she slipped through the crack in the gate. Her mouth twisted as she lifted her head to stare at the crumbling walls of the once-grand Castle.

     Slowly, focusing every last bit of her power, she raised her Sword to the rumbling sky, closing her eyes and letting her face fall still.

     Suddenly, a beam of the brightest light shot down from the heavens and struck the Sword, charging it with light power. The torrent almost made her knees give out, but she held on tighter and believed.

     Taking a breath, she slashed through the air, watching the almost tangible darkness tear into shreds in the face of her Sword of light.

     She encircled the Castle that day, driving the darkness back, not letting it encroach any further on Hyrulean soil. By the time she had finished her round, it was already noon outside of the shadow cloud, and she stumbled, utterly exhausted.

     Whispers whirled around her head, the shadows taking voice and resisting her attacks, chipping away at her resolve, her sanity even, bit by bit.

     So you came back. Finished playing the mother for a bit?

     One way or another, you would be a mother by now.

     Aria shook her head, panic clawing at her throat. Feeling her body shriek in protest, she pushed herself closer to the edge, to the light.

     You are alone. Your only friends will all leave you soon. So why even fight?

     It wouldn't hurt. But it would make it easier for you. 

     Let darkness swallow you. 

     Who are you fighting for anyway?

     Aria's desperately outstretched hand was suddenly out of the shadows.

     Immediately her mind began to clear. Feeling the tension in her chest finally ease slightly, she burst out of the eternal night, collapsed in the yellowing grass right outside of the ring of shadows.

     She survived.

     Breathing heavily, she pay her head down onto the sun-kissed grass, reveling in its warmth.

     It was okay. It was okay.

     Return to Link. Fight for Link. Keep him safe. 

     That was her duty. 

     Aria couldn't move. She couldn't draw breath. The fresh scent of the earth tickled her nostrils.

     Everything hurt. Her head, her limbs, her heart.

     "I'm back!" Aria threw open the door to the tiny house, trying to inject some amount of upbeat energy in her voice. No reply.

     Frowning, she threw down the Master Sword and, almost afraid to, opened the bedroom door a crack and peered inside.

     At two years old, Link already spent his days fully awake, like a person about Aria's age. So he shouldn't be asleep right now, right?

     He was curled on his bed, shaking violently, sobbing into the blankets.

     Her mouth suddenly dry, Aria rushed to him, and took his tiny head in her arms.

     "Talk to me." She whispered, fear pounding acid in her bloodstream.

     "Hurts." He raised his tearful eyes to her own, his face contorted.

     "I know, I know, little one." She rocked him softly, her eyes tracing the golden threads of light shine brightly on the back of his hand like a white-hot poker pressed against his skin.

     The curse lived on. 


Barely 850 words this one.

No Zelda and Ganon in this chapter lol, I'll write more about them in the next one.

I'm losing motivation at the speed of a flippin lizalfos. I can't find more interesting things to fill the next chapters. Well, this story is almost done, anyway. Ah, whatever.


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