Chapt. 19: Cheers

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"So... You've never drank any booze? Like, at all?"

"No. None at all."

"Not even a single drop?"


"Not one, measly shot?"

"Isn't that what no booze at all means?"

"Well what about wine?"


"Not even grape juice?" Luke tries again, finally getting a reaction out of me.

"Lu-" I start, in response to his ridiculous question before I stop myself and decide to humor him. "No, I've never even drank grape juice." I drawl sarcastically in an idiotic tone, purposely trying to let him see how stupid he sounded. Aaron chuckles lightly from next to me while Luke flashes me a cheeky grin.

"Wow. You really are a party kitten." Casper teases. I try to repress my smile as I roll my eyes and shove him lightly on the shoulder.

"I am not." I retort as we continue to walk in our group across the black pavement. Grace and Wriley are leading the pack of us, their hands secured as they talk about who knows what. They hadn't really spoken to anyone else other than eachother since we left the house, and I have to admit that that sort of bothered me. Sure they were a couple and all, but I wish we could all walk and talk as a whole group. Not as couples, just as one giant group of great friends. But I couldn't really be mad at them. They just wanted a little alone time before heading to a crowded party, and I guess that was understandable. And besides, it wasn't like they were the only two keeping themselves just the tiniest bit separate from the crowd.

"Guys, stop. My girl is a total ferocious party animal. Alex practically lives on the edge. She's as free as the wind." Aaron starts, vouching on my behalf. I raise my eyebrows curiously at Aaron and he grins at me before continuing. "Why, just on Wednesday she jay walked across the street, spoke louder than a whisper in the library, and- get this- went out the in door. And we can't forget when-"

"Okay, thanks for that honey, I think they get the point." I spit rashly, elbowing Aaron in the side as it becomes impossible for the boys to hold in their laughter.

"If that's not dangerous living I don't know what is." Aaron divulges further, causing me to sink deeper into sulk mode as the boys snickers burst into full on cackles.

They're all making fun of me.

Sure, it was just playful, friendly, teasing; and not a single one of them actually meant any harm by it but I couldn't help being just the tiniest bit offended. It was just all I've ever heard, and all I'll ever hear. Alex, you need to get out more. Alex you need to live. Alex, take some risks.

Alex, you're just about as fun as a decaying librarian.

That last one is curtesy of the ever polite, Jenele Greene.

Although they all actually meant more good than harm by gibing about my, safeness, it was actually kind of embarrassing.

Aaron squeezes my palm to get my attention, smiling assuringly with a touch of obvious guilt behind his flawless rows of teeth. I press my lips together in an expression I hope at least somewhat resembled a smile in response. The last thing I wanted was for him to feel apologetic because I got offended by something as petty as his comment. I knew I was only being over dramatic, and that's why I chose to keep my feelings hidden.

The only thing I didn't understand was why Aaron would even crack the joke in the first place. Sure, he wasn't the ancient, decaying librarian that I was, but he was in no way the party liger (in Caspers words) type like the rest of the boys were. Aaron showed up at any party he heard about through a friend or was directly invited to whenever he felt like. He danced and drank, and was merry just like any teenage boy or girl would behave at a house party. But he never was the one to drink to the point of getting drunk, or play stripping, make out, or drinking themed games, or even hooking up in back rooms. Which I had no doubt all these boys were accustom to doing at these parties; with the exception of Wriley. Especially, Jackson.

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