Chpt. 16: A One-Night Bland

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Bambi: I told you. My boyfriend comes into town today.

Oh yeah.

That guy.

Alexis had only spoke of her boyfriend- Alan, Andrew, Adam, Ass, some name that began with an A that I certainly didn't care to remember- a couple of times to me, and I'd overheard them on the phone one time. From what I knew about him so far, he seemed like a stuck up pansy who was just about as fun as a wooden plank to hang around.

Definitely not a good enough reason to bail on me; or anyone for that matter.

I guess she didn't really bail on me per say though, considering it was a last minute invitation; and it wasn't like she was going to skip work to hang out with the squad or I anyway. She's too much of a goody to skip a second time and risk getting introuble yet again.

She must've gotten permission from Candy to go see that guy. I come to the idea as a small smirk slides across my lips. Typical.

Alexis and I have been hanging out more often now though. My friends and I enjoy being around her and she enjoys being around me and-God knows why-my friends too. After the whole being punished-inside-21st-together-and-forced-to-work-out-asses-off incident, something switched in our brains and we went from hate, to tolerate... Ing eachother.

"I was so gone I swear I was hallucinating, man." Logan drawls from next to me, continuing a conversation that I couldn't make it more obvious that I wasn't the slightest bit interested in; or even attempting to pay attention to.

Why am I even here?

I ask myself. This place opened up about ten minutes ago, and I'd actually arrived on time. Like I've been doing for quite a few weeks now. Why, I have no idea.

Business is escpecially slow today and I feel myself begin to doze off on the check out counter as Logan continues to ramble next to me. At least with Alexis here I actually had someway to entertain myself.

For some reason I couldn't place, I greatly enjoyed teasing that girl. Seeing her all flustered and pink in the cheeks can make my day, let me tell you. Not to mention her unconventional comebacks. She always had some new and... Weird (to say the least) insult to hurl at me that never ceased to catch me off guard. My current favorite is Jerk-son.

But today, Alexis is nowhere to be seen.

And here I am stuck listening to Logan's crazy interesting (sarcasm intended) story and actually working. For six. More. Hours. Oh brother. I groan as I put my head on the counter in defeat.

"Can I get some service please?" I hear a feminine voice pout, tapping my arm. I lift my head up and-

And holy coconuts.

My eyes scan up the young woman's body and once my eye finally make it up to hers, she smiles and bites her lip. I'm sitting up now. It's Andrea.

"Sure thing." I tell her taking the records from her hands and scanning them under the scanner nonchalantly.

You can't blame me for staring at her boobs.

Currently, she's leaning over the counter, only wearing a skin tight navy tank top, basically putting every thing on display but her tits in a desperate attempt to get my attention.

Andrea was an old fuckbuddy of mine that I hadn't been in contact with for some time now, although she'd called me plenty of times. Right now though, as I examine this fucking hot body of hers, I can't remind myself why I'd decided to cut her off.

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