The Choices We Make

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Copyright 2014


I'm not your average sixteen year old girl.

I don't jump at every social opportunity possible, or try and attend every party, or cry when my parents say I can't; only to sneak out later. I've just never been that way. So at the end of the school year while every girl here is an emotional mess, I'm leaning against my sister's Lexus praying that she'll hurry up and take me home. Times like these make me wish I had a car... Or a license.

I heave a sigh as I watch Jenelle move to another group of seniors and start another conversation. How long does it take to say goodbye?

"Alex! We've been looking everywhere for you!" I hear someone shout. Before I even locate the voice's source I know it belongs to Jordan Hughes. She trudges across the crowded parking lot, her curly brown ponytail swinging from side to side. Grace Kulpa and Aaron Flomley follow close behind. I can't help but smile watching my friends making a fuss over me. "Well? We're all waiting for a pretty freaking good explanation!" Jordan says, crossing her arms over her faded blue tee. Jordan is a pretty girl, but everything else about her appearance is simple and casual.

"I really have no clue what I'm supposed to be explaining." I tell her while smiling. She pulls a face then mimicks me in a squeaky voice.

" 'I really have no clue what I'm supposed to be explaining'! You were really gonna just-" she gestures towards the car I'm leaning on. " Leave without saying goodbye to anyone? To any of us?" She finishes with a small smile, but I can still see a thin layer of sincerity laced beneath her words.

"I did say goodbye. Before I left class." I say. I look over at Grace and Aaron. Both of them haven't said a word yet. Grace's dirty blonde hair falls just past her shoulder blades. Grace wears every day clothes but still comes off as sophisticated looking. She could dress like a Hobo and still look high-class.

Grace adjusts her glasses and past the glare in them I can see that her eyes are pink and puffy.

"G, are you crying?" I ask, my smile growing.

"Yeah, I was. It's the end of the year, everyone's crying." She responds.

"You too, Jordan?" I question.

"No... Shutup," she replied while grinning.

"Why aren't you crying Alex? It seems like you're the odd one out; you're the only girl in our grade who isn't." Aaron says, raising his eyebrows at me. The smile playing over his lips is enough to make me smile in return. He runs a hand through his brown hair. Every strand looks perfectly stylized, yet wild and random at the same time. Aaron is truely stunning. How can one person look so perfect in a plain white tee? I ask myself. The sun glistens off his tan skin beautifully. I want him. The thought crosses my mind. It's fleeting, but I can't deny it's existence. Get real Alexis. We all know he's like in love with Bridget.

Oh yeah, Bridget. Did you think 'mean girls' were only in books or movies? Well if you did, think again. Bridget Turwage is the queen bee of Anderson High. She's the coldest girl I'm sure has ever walked this earth, but somehow she's friends with just about everyone. Grace and Jordan even see good in her- why, or more importantly how, is beyond me.

I scoff at him. "Cry for what? It's not like I won't see you guys all summer, and even if I don't summer only lasts like three months."

"I know, but I'm still going to miss all of my friends-atleast the ones that aren't going to the summer home with me. And the teachers-" Grace begins, but before she can finish I'm cracking up.

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