Chpt. 12: My Leech of a Country Song

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"Okay, how about this one?"

"Working Man."

"And this one?"


"There's no way you'll get this-"

"30 Lives-And you just switched it to I Need A Minute." I say breezily. A cocky smirk spreads across my lips. "You're making this way too easy." I boast as I examine my nails nonchalantly. Jason and Logan watch my every move in awe. Just twenty minutes ago I learned about Jason's and Logan's shared obsession for Imagine Dragons, and I felt the need to tell them about my very IM'd past. Once I told them I knew every Imagine Dragons song in existence, they took it as a challenge. So here the three of us are, seated on the floor behind the counter in 21st. I have a single earbud in that's connected to Logan's phone, listening to the first five seconds of a bunch of Imagine Dragons songs. Just from the opening instrumental of about 15 Of these songs (including a few repeats) I've been able to figure out the song titles with no trouble at all. What can I say? I'm an ex-hardcore fan. "Curse. Are you guys even trying??"

"Dang it! Those were the hardest ones I could think of!" Logan spits.

"Some of those I've never heard before." Jason admits ashamedly. I scoff.

"Dude, I told you guys. When I said I was in love with Imagine Dragons, I meant I was in love with Imagine Dragons." I announce proudly. The pure marvel splayed across both of the boys faces is quite amusing.

"What I don't get is how you ever got over them!" Jason says his eyes wide with curiosity. I can't help smiling at Jason's pure adorableness. Even though it took a week or two, Jason finally came out of his shell. I could tell he was comfortable around me, and for some reason that just melted my heart. Jason is such a good person and I don't think I've ever wanted to be liked by someone as badly as I'd wanted to be liked by him. Jason was one of those guys who takes a lot of time to warm up to people; It makes me feel like I accomplished some great feat by befriending him.

"Exactly! They are artistic geniuses I tell you!" Logan shouts enthusiastically. A smile pulls at the corner of my mouth as I put up my hands in surrender.

"I don't hate them or anything. I just don't love them anymore. I mean, I guess they're okay... I just found better bands." I explain. Jason's eyes go wide as a deep frown sets in his face. Logan throws his hands up in surrender. I can't help but laugh at their disbelieving reactions, especially Jays. He was even cuter when he wasn't being shy. "I'm sorry?" I offer between chuckles.

Logan squints his eyes at me and points an accusing finger in my direction. "I know. You're going deaf, aren't you?" He incriminates before reaching over and gripping my ears with his thumbs and pointer knuckles. A shiver shoots right up my spine and I bat his hands away immediately. My ears have always been my weak spot.

Logan's rather fit for your average gauged hipster boy; he wears his muscle shirt well. The whole beanie and mop of brown curls look really works for him. "Or you're ears just have exceptionally crappy taste now. You only listen to pop, don't you?" He muses, ruffling my hair. "Are you a Swiftie? I bet you totally fan girl over Austin Mahone." He accuses. I cringe and bat his hand away for a second time. Now don't get me wrong, not all pop music is complete walrus poo. There are quite a few pop songs that are actually catchy and fun to listen to; but with the vast majority of cringe-worthy pop songs, it doesn't really balance out too well. There's only so many times you can produce a song with only a slightly differentiated beat with the same yolo message. And don't even get me started on the club tunes. But Austin Mahone? Now Logan was just hitting below the belt.

"Don't make me barf, Lindsay. I mostly listen to Alternative rock." I correct, while teasing him about his lengthy hair in the process. What? It's surprisingly fun to do; and his reactions are always rather amusing. I'd finally become close enough to Logan to call him girl names like the rest of the crew did and that made me happy too. I was closer to the whole 21st gang; including off standish Nikki...

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