Chpt. 11: Lady Fate and Cell Mates

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When you have a near death experience, it causes you to realize some things. Things that most people don't come to realize until it's too late. People often put a lot of important things off for later because they think they have all the time in the world when in actuality, it's the exact opposite. You're never around for as long as you think you're going to be, and once your life is snatched from you it's far too late to fix all those problems and things you took a rain check for.

If I would have died today, there's quite a few things I would regret not doing. For one, I would definitely regret not fixing things between Jeni and I. Sure, all sisters had a sibling rivalry in some form or fashion, but both her and I knew that ours went a few feet deeper than some petty arguments between sisters. Although she never really openly said it, I know that Jenelle blamed me for something that I'm not even entirely sure is my fault yet. And if it is, I still don't know how I could possibly apologize for what she blames me for doing. Who, she blames me for ruining. Despite all of this I guess I still could've tried a bit harder to get through to her, because we are family after all. I should have tried harder even if she didn't want to try with me.

Another thing I'd regret is not telling the people I care about how much I love them constantly. Sappy, I know, but very true. Because if you don't tell them how much you love them, no one else will for you.

I think the thing I would have regretted not doing most of all, is not having Chinese food for at least one meal everyday of my life. What? That food is a little slice of heaven! Oh how I would roll over in my grave knowing that I didn't enjoy the delectable substance here on earth every chance I got.

The point is, this whole situation has made me realize how seriously an old saying should be taken. We need to live life to the paranoid-est. Wait what? That's not the saying?? Oh well, this is what I'm going by. Because apparently not only does Lady Fate want to ruin my life, but she wants to take it from me. Someone needs to tell that heffer she can't have her cake and eat it too.

Luckily though, I don't have to regret any of those things I didn't accomplish yet, because I still have time here.

Only after Jackson belted my name did I notice the blaring engine sound that seemed to surround me, and the motorcycle just a few feet infront of me. A jerk on my arm powerful enough to pop it out of socket, made my feet leave the ground, and I was pulled out of the way right as the motorcycle recklessly zoomed pass.

During my angry rant, I had stormed myself straight into the street, paying attention not to my surroundings, but to the pure anger boiling inside me. That motorcycle was going to roll me right over.

I would of died.

How unfortunately ironic it would be to die by being ran over in a town with hardly any motorized vehicles. Atleast if that thing ran me over, I wouldn't be have to deal with Jackson or these stupid flyers anymore. I continue to make dark, unhumorous jokes to myself because the truth is, I can't fathom the fact that If I wasn't pulled out of the street I would have been an Alex pancake.

Jackson saved my freaking life.

His sturdy muscular arms are still wrapped tight around my waist, my feet off the ground, and my back pressed against his chest, which is heaving heavily up and down. The death motorcycle is long gone down the road, but Jackson still hasn't managed to set me down. I'm starting to doubt it's even Jackson holding me, and believing the possibility that I could have just been snatched by some old pedophile with freakishly muscular arms for an elder. Once my heart slows down and I can breathe again, I smell that intoxicating cologne surround me. Unless the old man holding me wasn't only a pedophile but also liked to wear teenager cologne, this was definitely Jackson.

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