Chpt. 20: Release Your Inner Liger

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"BEATING MY DRUM LIKE DUM DIDI DEY, I LOVE THE DIRTY RHYTHM YOU PLAY, I WANNA HEAR YOU CALLING MY NAME LIKE-" I belt along with the raging music filling my eardrums, singing at the very top of my lungs. I pause, gesturing with my hands for the crowd around me to finish the lyric. Grinning widely, I bite my lip and groove as the small crowd of my new found adorers roar the next line, shouting Hey mama mama, hey ma mama, followed by an immense amount of cheering. 

I bite my lip, punching my arms one after the other down in front of my body before doing the same thing behind me. I roll my upper body in small circles, resulting in another eruption of cheers from the crowd surrounding me. The only two people in my group who aren't screaming their lungs off at my every movement are Casper and Luke. 

Both Casper and Luke stand in the inner portion of the semicircle around me, watching silently. Casper's eyebrows are furrowed, his fingertips pressing gently against one another in a contemplative manner as the index of both hands lie against his pursed lips. Luke however, stands next to him with eyes the size of jawbreakers and a jaw that hangs limply beneath him. 

They were obviously in awe.

The only solution I can conjure for Casper and Luke's silence is that they were both too awestruck to even muster up so much as a whoop or cheer in approval. They were obviously just flabbergasted at my raw talent, and I couldn't really blame them. I would be too.

I turn around, my back facing the crowd as I saunter easily toward the white, cylinder-shaped support beam behind me, adrenaline rushing through my veins. With the twitch of my head, I send my dreads circling around me like the propellers on a helicopter. As I do so, my right leg whips outward, my right hand sliding down it as it circles me around to face the crowd again. I lean against the cool metal beam behind me, bathing myself in the pounding music. My eyes close as I smile blissfully, the beat rushing through every portion of my veins. My hands make their way above my head, bringing my hair with it. They slide up above me on the support beam, my hair falling in a messy pile atop my head as my hands grip the cool, round metal. Grinning devilishly I make my way down the beam, shimming my hips rhythmically as I drop lower and lower, my clump of hair stretching out once more and trailing down the beam behind me along with my hands.

I can't even feel the burn in my thighs as I've gone as low as the floor allows me, and a grin finds my face as my ears catch Casper's loud muttering.

"Where the devil did she learn to dance like that?" Casper asks Luke without taking his eyes away from me, disbelief apparent in his tone. Oh yeah. They were awestruck alright. You two haven't even seen the best of it yet.

It was physically impossible to mask the excitement and the rush it gave me to dance in front of this crowd of newfound adorers like this. I felt freer than the wind itself. My heart had to be pumping even faster than the tempo of the pounding music by now. I practically felt as if I was floating above it all. It was exhilarating.

Casper was right. Aaron was right. Luke was right. Jackson was right. Jeni was right. My mom was right. Basically everyone I've ever encountered knew exactly what I was in need of except myself. I just needed to allow myself to unwind from the tight little knot I'd tied myself up in for as long as I can remember and for once to just let go. I mean really, let go. I've always been one to follow rules and to take every precaution necessary that I've never allowed even a second to just live in the moment. To allow myself to just once feel what it felt like to actually throw caution to the wind.

And let me tell you, it feels great.

The excitement busy swarming the air grows thicker as the shadows grow longer, our energy levels rising higher and higher the further we dive into the wee hours of the night. And the thrill. The thrill is a whole separate indescribable feeling in itself, rushing through my veins like a raging, white river, hardly contained by the banks holding it together. The thrill is so present and real it's almost tangible, as if I could easily touch it with my fingertips if I just stretched out my arm. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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