Chapt. 17: Eight-Inch Long Dinosaur Tail

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Motorcycle Pros: I'll get to Walmart faster. I won't have be stuck in a cramped oven. I'll get to enjoy the thrill that is motorcycle riding again.

Top Pro: I'd be avoiding riding the terror that is public buses all by myself.

Motorcycle Cons: I'll probably fall (or pushed off, knowing Jackson) halfway through and be rolled over.

Top Con: It was a motorcycle, and I have a more recent terrible track record with those things.

Bus Pros: I avoid dying, and will arrive at Walmart safely with my sanity still intact.

Top Pro: Safety is guaranteed.

Note: That's pretty much it when it comes to making up pros about bus riding. Public buses are the scum of the earth.

Bus Cons: Buses here are hot, uncomfortable, overly crowded, and slow-just to name a few.

Top Con: it's a freaking bus. 'Nough said.

I'm currently pacing back and forth on our gravel driveway, contemplating my transportation choices. This week it was my turn to go grocery shopping, which are the weeks I've learned to dread. Shopping of any sort is my least favorite thing to do, and combining that with my great dislike for public buses makes for a terribly uneventful situation.

This is exactly how I'd love to spend my Fourth of July.

I've dialed up Jackson a total of three times now, hanging up at various moments each time out of indecision. I really want to ask Jackson for a ride. Although I'd hate to admit it, I'd love to to ride his motorcycle again. There's an indescribable thrill I get from tearing down the roads with my dreads trailing behind me. Plus, I'm sure having someone along with me for the trip would be sure to liven things up. Especially someone like Jackson. Although he knew exactly how to get on my very last nerve sometimes, I actually enjoy his company.

"Oh whatever." I mumble to myself, deciding to call him up again. It's not like this is some colossal favor or anything, I assure myself in my head as I let my phone ring, waiting for Jackson to pick up on the other end.

You're only asking him to drive all the way over here, pick you up, take you to the store to shop for over an hour, then take you home again even though you had other means of transportation to put in use. Not to mention the fact that he doesn't benefit at all from this arrangement.

"Hel-" Jackson starts on the other end, but is cut off by me hanging up again-for either the fourth or third time, I don't even know anymore. I didn't want to be selfish. This was a time consuming favor I was asking. It wasn't fair of me to take up his full day for something as trivial as this.

I let out a sigh as I kick the gravel with my black Vans and cross my arms over my sleeveless white top. I rock on my heels as I stare out onto the glistening horizon, contemplating what to do next. Well I guess I should head-

Just as I make the decision to ride the bus, my phone rings. Jackson's name is on the caller ID. What could he want?


"Alexis what the hell do you want?!" Jackson spits through the receiver, making me wince and pull the phone away.

"Well hello to you too, sunshine." I comment sarcastically. Jackson groans.

"Right. Because I didn't say hello every single one of the infinite times you've called me over the past five minutes." Jackson responds, matching my sarcasm. I try and hide my amusement.

"Okay for one, I'll have you know it was only four times, and this time you called me. Secondly; I only called so many times because I wasn't sure if I wanted to ask you what I was going to." I say, trying to justify my awkwardness.

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