Chp. 5 Pt. 2: Takis Are Essential For Life

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I wake up to the sound of an alarm clock screaming loudly in my ears. I throw my blanket over my head and press my palms to my ears in an attempt to mute- or at least somewhat silence the piercing beeping since ignoring it was obviously not an option.

As the sound persists I dig the heel of my hands harder against my ears. Shut up shut up shut up!!! I hurl my pillow at the demon clock on my dresser, and over shoot completely. What? I'm half asleep.

I take another pillow and attempt again, and somehow end up throwing the pillow in the middle of the room.

Okay, I also just have terrible aim.

Times like these make me wish I did something other than draw during recess while everyone else was playing catch as a child.

I stretch out my arm as far as it can possibly reach and flail my hand around the dresser, trying desperately to hit the alarm's off button. After tiring myself out by hitting the air, I let my arm fall limp on the dresser. I give up. Rolling onto my stomach, I try to ignore the obnoxious, persisting, annoying, sleep-killing, loud-

"AAAAAAUUUUUGGGHHH!!!" I scream and kick my mattress, ready to throw a full on tantrum. I fling the covers off my body and storm over to the sleep-murderer. With one hard hit from my fist, it finally shuts up. I heave a sigh of relief. Finally, I can go back to bed. I lay back down and wait for sleep to pull me in.


"Uuuugggfffuuhhh." I groan with my face smushed into the bedding. I'm already fully awake. When the heck did I even set an alarm clock??!

I crawl out of my bed already in a pissy mood. I drag myself out of my room and almost trip on my way down the stairs. When I reach the kitchen, I see that Grace and Jordan are already there.

"Oh wow, another get together I wasn't
invited to." I announce groggily with a smirk and droopy eyelids. Jordan is seated at the large table in our kitchen with her head and arms down on the surface, not looking very awake-or alive for that matter. Grace on the other hand stands beside her, fully awake and dressed with papers in her hands.

"I did invite you. That's what the alarm was for." Grace explains.

My eyes fly open. I've found the culprit. My sleep will be avenged!

"You!! You set that freaking hell spawn! I'm gonna murder you!" I say. I storm in her direction but detour at a kitchen chair. All my fired-up energy was completely drained from the outburst that followed it's arrival. "Oui... I'm gonna kill you eventually, just give me a sec..."

"Now. I know you all are probably wondering why I woke you up at seven a.m," Grace starts, but I interrupt her.

"'You all'? There's only two of us..."

"And I know you two are probably thinking about food. Do you guys want breakfast?" She asks. I nod, and Jordan doesn't do anything. "Well that's too bad, because we don't have any." Jordan lets out a muffled sound of pain, which is the first sign of life I've gotten from her all morning. "That is precisely why it was necessary to wake up this early. We have no food, and no jobs. If we don't get the important stuff out of the way first, how will we have fun?" So I've planned out our whole morning- let me know if there are any objections."

She slides a schedule over to Jordan even though she hasn't even lifted her head up yet, then she hands one to me as well. I read it over.

7:30 a.m: Wake up

7:30-7:45/8:00: House Meeting

7:45/8:00-8:15: Get Dressed

8:15-8:25: Walk To Bus Stop

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