Chapt. 9: The Indian Mexican Food Diet

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The whole bike ride to work I contemplated ways to avoid Jackson for six hours. Six hours; 9:45 till 3:30 p.m was all I needed to avoid That freak of nature for. I'd came up with hundreds of strategies, and narrowed it down to two.

a.) Wait for a fairly obese customer to walk in and hide behind him, then scale the wall and hide behind record stands and other various people for my whole shift.

b.) Cut off my dreads, and pull a Michael Jackson by getting a nose job, and bleaching my skin.

These were the better ones. Needless to say, they were all very terrible plans.

I unlock the front door and slowly push it open. My only hope to get through the day is to not draw a lot of attention to myself. I don't like Jackson and he doesn't like me, so it would only make sense that we'd both try to make a conscious effort to avoid each other. If we both didn't want anything to do with the other, it shouldn't be that hard to stay away from him.

"Hey! Look who's Here, guys! It's Alexis!" Jackson says the minute I set foot into 21st. So much for that last idea. Apparently Jackson gets too much enjoyment out of annoying the ever living crap out of me to avoid me.

I force a purposely unconvincing smile. Candace's head shoots up and her face brightens once she sees me.

"Alex! Hi. Come over here." Candace says cheerily. I make my way over to Candace who happens to be seated on a stool right by the wall Jackson leans against. "You heard about the shirts, right?" I nod.

"Yep. I just haven't come up with anything yet." I say lamely. I don't even think I'm going to be able to come with anything over the course of three days. Why can't my 'special flare' just be doing nothing at all? No ones done that yet.

"Totally fine. You have until Friday, anyway." Candace assures. "Anyway I have a job for you." She holds up a sheet of paper that looks like a flier. "Print off twenty four copies of this. The printer is right over there. Do you know how to use it? It's a little weird." I shake my head no.

Candace goes on explaining how I'm supposed to use the printer and I completely zone out. I glance over at Jackson propped coolly against the wall with his hands in his pockets. He's chewing gum again like he seemed to be doing every time I see him. His dark hair is gorgeously quiffed like always, and his V-neck stretches across those rippling muscles of his. He looks like a freaking model. Sure the creature was more annoying than Spongebob himself, but he was definitely a sight for sore eyes. That hunk could turn any straight man gay. Hunk? Did I really just call Jackson Walters a hunk? I think I might be slipping into insanity.

I quickly avert my vision back to Candace when I notice Jackson's eyes are glued on the lower half of me. I suddenly regret my decision to wear leggings today.

"... Then hold the button for five seconds, and after that it should only take a bit to print out the papers. Got it?" Candace finishes. I self consciously pull my shirt down as far as it will go and nod. "Great. Get to it. I'm glad I finally have another competent worker. " she adds, saying the last part loudly so Jackson hears. Wait what? Oh fish-sticks. I missed everything she just said about the printer!

Jackson tears his eyes away from me. "Hm?" He asks, sounding genuinely confused. I groan and roll my eyes. How did they get anything done around here with employees like this? As far as I can see, Jay seems like the only one not trying to cheat out on his job in anyway.

Jackson squints at me. "How's that stomachache of yours, Alexis?" He quips, a sly smile spreading across his face.

"It went away, thanks for asking." I quickly spit out. "Can I see that document you want printed now, Candace??"

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