Chapt. 10: Pink Balls Of Papery Death

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"I finally get you all to myself." Aaron says in a low voice as he rubs his thumbs lightly over the back my hands, looking deep into my brown eyes. "I missed you so much while we were apart."

"B-but, you had Bridget." I say, instantly regretting the words once they leave my mouth. For some strange reason I just couldn't accept or deal with the fact that Aaron had feelings for me and not Bridget. Bridget was the perfect image of every teenage guy's imagination. Why would anyone pick me of all people over her?? I just couldn't grasp that concept.

"Bridget who? The slut? I never, ever had feelings for her. She's like gum on the bottom of my shoe. I was only using that poor sap to get your attention." He admits without shame. Is this really true? He never had feelings for Bridget?? That was a little more than hard to believe considering the last time I saw him he was willing to do anything for her. "I see her for the queef she is. I only have eyes for you, baby." He adds softly. His hazel eyes sparkle as they drop to my lips. My heart begins to thrash against my chest as he lays me back on the bed. Aaron hovers over me, and dips his lips down.

Just close your eyes and let it happen...

He dips his head down and...

Pulls my hair.

I open my eyes and look up at Aaron confusedly. Passion is still burning behind his pupils as runs a hand through my dreads, and then jerks them softly again. Then I fall through the bed.

I'm falling.

I'm falling...

I'm falling!

The dark carpet on the floor of 21st is getting awfully close to my face. My brain is not processing at the normal speed a human brain should process at at eleven in the morning, due to the remnants of sleep left over from my nap. Therefore, my limbs are officially not taking commands from my brain as of the moment. No matter how much I will my arms to reach down and stop myself from falling and breaking my face, they won't move. Just before I face plant on the ground my body hits something hard like a wall, but oddly warm and comforting at the same time... Ahhh, you warm, comfy wall, you, I think as I pat it a couple of times. Right now the wall was my hero, considering if it didn't stop me from hitting the ground, nothing would have. The wall has an odd texture. I rub my hand against it a few times, trying to figure out what the material might be.

The minute I breathe in I am distracted by the marvelous scent flooding into my nostrils. I've never smelt anything like the aroma currently surrounding me. It was, perfect. Oh my freaking unicorns this smell is my cryptonite. I inhale deeply and melt against the wall, a smile creeping over my face. Where the heck is this scent made in heaven coming from?! I could slouch here all day.

Suddenly the wall rises and falls against me and a low laughter fills my ears. The last time I checked, walls didn't laugh... Out of no where I become aware of a pair of arms wrapped sturdily around my waist, about the only thing keeping me from falling onto the floor. Walls don't have arms either... What in Ronald McDonald's name is going on??

"Oh my God did you seriously just sniff me??" Says a deep, husky voice between laughter. I cringe at the familiarness in the voices tone. Slowly, I place both my hands against the "wall" and push myself off of it.

Oh Lordie. I am greeted by a grinning Jackson.

The minute he sees the absolute horror plastered onto my face he doubles over in laughter. He's laughing so hard that it's nearly inaudible as he sinks to the floor, clutching his stomach. This can't be happening. I refuse to believe that any of this just took place. I pivot on my heel and take large strides away, trying to get as far from Jackson as 21st Vinyl would allow me.

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