The blue cookie addict becomes a half-orphan

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After the war, all Percy Jackson wanted was peace. She had earned it in her eyes, in the eyes of her friends, but apparently not in the eyes of the fates.

Percy Jackson knocked on the familiar door of the flat where her mother lived. She had no idea where her keys were, probably at the bottom of Tartarus, but she didn't really care. They would certainly not be found by any monster, and even if they were, the gods could take care of that, after all, she had just won a war.

Just when Percy thought no one was home, the door opened. It wasn't her mother and it certainly wasn't Paul. He reminded her more of Gabe, but he had more hair and was probably 10 cm taller. The guy was huge. wow. "What are you doing here?" the guy grunted rather rudely.

"Eh, this is my mum's place," Percy said, confused.

"I think I would know." Percy doubted it, he seemed rather stupid. She was about to answer him when he slammed the door in her face.

"Nice," muttered the demigoddess.

She knocked on a neighbour's door and an old lady opened it.

"Is there anything I can do for you, my dear?" Asked the lady politely.

"Ehm yes, do you know what happened to the owners of this flat?" She pointed to her mother's door.

"Oh, the couple ... they died, it was terrible, they were found dead in their flat, but I don't know the details. Are you all right, darling?" She noticed the horrified look on Percy's face, but instead of answering, she just stumbled back and ran out of the house.

This couldn't be true. Someone was playing a cruel joke on her. The old lady and the man were probably just monsters who thought they had a sense of humour. Yup, that had to be it.

But she went to the nearest cemetery anyway. And even though she talked herself out of it, she had this horrible feeling in her stomach that her parents were really dead.

She didn't want it to be true, but it didn't feel like the woman was lying. There was no reason why the woman should lie. She just had to check the graves, she wouldn't find her mother and then she would go back and fight the monster that was the old woman.

The feeling in her stomach got worse and worse and Percy felt like she could puke as she started looking through the gravestones for one with a familiar name.

She had searched almost the entire cemetery and found nothing, but it seemed she hadn't done enough. Her eyes fell on the names Sally Blofis-Jackson and Paul Blofis.

When had they married? What had she missed? Percy couldn't believe it and her legs gave way under her. They could no longer hold their weight. and the young heroine could not believe it.

She broke down as she stared at her mother's name. What am I going to do now?

The best thing she could do now was probably to go to the police and find out what had happened to her mother and Paul. Her mind was racing. Why had someone done this to them? Who had done this to them? What had happened to him? Had anything happened to him at all?

When she arrived at the police station and gave her name, the officer's eyes widened. "We have been looking for you since the death of your mother, where have you been for so long and why couldn't we find you?

Percy felt uncomfortable under the officer's gaze, "I was at a summer camp where mobile phones are not allowed.

The officer looked at her incredulously, "Not even to tell someone that her parents were murdered?"

Percy didn't look him in the eye and just shrugged.

" What am I supposed to do now?" she asked and the officer gave her one last confused look.

" If your uncle agrees, you move in with him."

" My uncle?" Percy didn't have an uncle, at least not one that this guy should know about.

" Your mother was adopted by the Jacksons when you were a kid, so you have an uncle. His name is Bruce Wayne."

She knew that name from somewhere and judging by the look on the officer's face, she should know it too.

"I'm not quite sure who that is. " The officer looked at her in such shock that she honestly wondered who this guy was again.

"You don't know who he is?"

"I'm sure I just forgot."

"He owns Wayne Enterprises."

That made sense.

"I've heard of that."

The officer gave her the thousandth strange look before telling her he would get in touch with him.

Percy sat alone in one of the offices. She tried to make sense of the new information. She had an uncle, her mother was dead, Paul was dead. Her uncle was rich. (The officer had told her more about him, he still couldn't believe Percy didn't know who Bruce Wayne was). This uncle had several adopted sons and a son of his own.

WORDS: 903

So rewritten I am still not satisfied the chapter is bad but they are getting better.


I don't own the Percy Jackson series or the DC Comics. I only own the storyline and anything I make up myself.

If you see any mistakes in the text please point them out to me because I am not English and I only use free Grammarly.

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