The herione fights with her past

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It was over. All was well again. It was peace, well almost, there were still murderous monsters but it was back to normal. The big quest was over and the seven were alive.

They were all struggling with nightmares and worries but they were just happy to be alive. The seven were still in camp half-blood but soon some of them would go back to the Roman camp.

The children were lying on the beach enjoying the warm evening and feeling like normal teenagers. Percy and Annabeth sat back to back in the sand and the seawater touched their feet with every wave.

Piper and Jason sat a little further away on a rock with Piper's head in Jason's lap. They whispered to each other and occasionally laughed out loud.

Leo sat further away from the water with some new project. When they had sat on the beach earlier, it had almost got wet and Leo had sat several meters away from the water.

Frank and Hazel sat on the beach like Percy and Annabeth, but they didn't relax together. No, they were doing their best to build a sandcastle.

It was boisterous and peaceful and none of the demigods had a care in their minds. It was just as they had wished for so long. However, of course, this happiness would never last. It seemed too boring for the fates.

Honestly, these old grannies should go to the cinema and not just knit all the time. If that were too modern, they could just read for a change. But no, a group of heroes must bring them amusement. Why not? Oh yes, because it's mean

Suddenly Annabeth and Percy sat down opposite each other and Annabeth stared angrily at Percy. "Excuse me?"

"I just changed my mind."

"Changed your mind? I threw my plans out the window just to get you to change your mind? You can't be serious."

"I'm just not sure it's the best idea anymore. We could die tomorrow."

"And it's always been like this, why is it suddenly so important?"

"I don't know... I just thought about it more and came to a new conclusion."

"I really can't believe you." Annabeth snorted angrily and stood up abruptly. She gave her girlfriend a murderous look and stomped off.

"I don't mean to butt in, but what happened?" Came Frank's voice from her left. He asked quietly and carefully, obviously trying not to upset Percy.

"Nothing happened." And with that, Percy left.


Percy stared at the ceiling. She was lying in her bed in the Poseidon cabin. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes and the girl wished she hadn't said what she had said.

Her argument with Annabeth had been about studying in New Rome. It had been difficult to convince her Girlfriend to study there, but she had succeeded and they were both looking forward to a peaceful life.

However, because of Tartarus, it had become so much clearer to Percy how precious their lives actually were. How inconceivably mortal they were. And so she could not bring herself to want to study.

She wanted to see the world. Visit the temples of the gods. Learn more about mythology and make the best of what little life she had.

She had tried to explain it to Annabeth and she was almost sure her girlfriend understood, but she was too angry that Percy had changed her mind.

Percy was terribly sorry but she wanted to live her life so much. She wanted to make up for the years she had missed and make new, happy memories in the places she had fought.

She wanted a new beginning, one that might mean a very short life for her, but at least a full one.

Percy knew very well that Annabeth longed for the same thing. She wanted to visit old cities and she would rather see all the beautiful buildings for real than just learning about them, but staying alive seemed to be more important to her for some reason.

And that was probably what was tactically the smartest thing to do, which is exactly what her sweetheart was so good at.

And the only thing Percy really wished for was that she could take back her words. Say them differently. But she couldn't, it was too late and Percy had to come to terms with it.

That very day she had tried to make up with Annabeth, without success. So she left camp that night, intending to get comfort from her mother and come back in a few days.

Well, that didn't go so well

It was one of the worst days of her life. She lost the love of her life and her family in one day.

WORDS: 794

You know I like to make Percy sad so here just for you was more sad Percy. YAY

I know I know short chapter BUT I rewrote the whole first chapter (it's roughly the same but better now? I'm not that creative in one day). So feel free to check it out please vote or don't vote.

5,6k OH FUCK THANKS. I love you guys and thank you so much for the nice comments... because they are nice (i suck at thanking people).


I don't own the Percy Jackson series or the DC Comics. I only own the storyline and anything I make up myself.

If you see any mistakes in the text please point them out to me because I am not English and I only use free Grammarly.

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