The heroine learns the names of her new family members

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Jason had been wrong. Percy had no idea how to find the other people. This house was not a house, nor was it a mansion or a castle or something even bigger, no, it was simply a labyrinth. An incredibly confusing labyrinth. And because her sense of direction had given up on her, Percy had simply followed her nose. Because even from her room she had smelled the smell of food. Percy hadn't been able to smell the food (her nose wasn't that good) but it was still wonderful.

And so she sat at the table with her uncle and his sons in a very uncomfortable silence. No one had said anything for what must have been almost a minute (Percy had given up counting after twenty seconds) and it made Percy completely sick. She didn't know what to expect but not silence.

The horrible silence ended shockingly suddenly when one of the boys knocked over his cup. Percy flinched in horror as the cup landed right on Jason who was sitting next to him and he immediately grabbed his butter knife and as soon as the other boy saw this he grabbed his own. And like two wild animals, the two boys circled each other. Jason's stance was ready to attack while the other boy's was defensive.

"Oh, come on, Jason, stop it, it's only coffee," Dick complained loudly, who had just been grabbing his head in his hand. He had heavy circles under his eyes and Percy wondered why she hadn't noticed them before. She probably hadn't paid much attention to his eyes. As Percy looked at him more closely, she noticed how tired Dirk actually looked. His back was hunched, his hair unkempt and his eyes crusted over as if he had really been asleep sitting up a few seconds ago.

Percy looked back at Jason and the other boy. "Just coffee?" Jason sneered and threw his knife at the other boy. The other boy squealed in shock and moved quickly so the knife wouldn't hit him.

"That's enough." Bruce's voice stopped both boys immediately and while the first sat back down, Jason retrieved his knife from the door frame it was stuck in and then sat back down in his seat as well. Bruce gave both boys angry looks.

Bruce sighed, "This is Percy, my niece, which you already know. Please behave normally." When none of the boys said anything Bruce sighed again and introduced them all. "This is Dick and Jason but you already know that." He pointed with his hand in the direction of the two. Dick's head was already back in his hands and he gave no sign that he noticed anyone talking about him. He was probably asleep again. Jason, on the other hand, was still staring angrily at the other boy, ignoring Bruce.

He pointed to the boy who had accidentally tripped out coffee over Jason "This is Tim." And the boy tore his gaze away from Jason for a second and grinned slightly at them. Then his gaze went back to Jason and he checked every move the other made, obviously thinking that as soon as he looked away Jason would attack him again. And Percy wasn't really sure if that wasn't a legitimate concern.

"And this is Damian" Bruce pointed at the last boy who started at Percy uneasily, not taking his eyes off her, almost like Tim with Jason, but Percy had no idea why. Had she done something to him? If she had, she couldn't remember. No, really, not the slightest little mini idea.

Dick lifted his head from his hands and saw Damian staring at Percy and Percy's completely confused look as she still tried to understand what she had done wrong. And just as he was about to say something, Jason interrupted him, "Don't take his staring personally, he's just got a few screws loose in his mini-brain."

Damian's eyes turned to Jason and his gaze seemed to challenge him to keep talking. Jason wasn't the least bit rattled by this and stared back with raised eyebrows. Damian gave him one last murderous look, got up from the table and disappeared to wherever he liked to spend his time.

"So to announce your life here we have to make a public statement to the press. Is that okay with you?" Bruce asked, his voice or face not revealing what he thought of his question and, not wanting to cause any more problems, Percy just nodded.

"Good, I would also like to talk to you privately again later. Just about the new situation." Percy nodded again, although she was pretty sure she didn't want to have this conversation with him.

This conversation would be the confrontation she had so desperately wanted to avoid. She still wanted to avoid it at all costs but she didn't really have an idea how. How could she tell her uncle (whom she didn't know) and the guy she was staying with that she didn't want to talk to him because she really didn't want to? She could just say it, but that would probably not help her.

She lowered her gaze to her plate where two pancakes laid and began eating them quietly. She felt a gaze on her and lifted her head dick was staring at her his eyebrows pulled together as he studied my plate. "Eh? What?" Percy asked and Dicks gaze snapped up to her.

"Are you really eating just raw pancakes?"

"They aren't raw, I would drink them if they were raw."

Jason snorted and Dicks eyebrows pulled together even more. "But that is just not ok. At all its like illegal."

"Drinking them?"

"No eating them without anything. anything at all. it hurts my eyes."

"I am using a fork."

Dick pressed out a choked sound and stood up from the table making his way toward Percy with a bottle of maple syrup in his hand.


He splashed the syrup onto her plate and her pancakes almost drowned.

"You are killing them. They're dying, drowning stop it the poor pancakes."Maybe dick deserved his name in the end after all. She tried to pry the bottle out of his hands but he held it tight as he continued to drown the pancakes.

Jason laughed from across the table and as Percy looked up she saw that bruce was gone. She hadn't heard him leave but she had more important matters on hand.

For example her dying pancakes. As she saw no other way out for her pancakes and didn't want to risk their lives she choose the next best option for saving. This option was kicking (with her foot) the bottle of maple syrup out of Dicks hands.

Jason laughter only got louder as Dick hurried after the bottle like it was a dying friend and as Percy tried to eat the pancakes as fast as possible to shorten their suffering.

Dick looked at her with the syrup in his hands and with his face emotionless said "You are a horrible monster for disrespecting food rules and food like this. A true monster." And with that, he strutted out of the room his chin high and the bottle of maple syrup still in his hands.

Words: 1210


I don't own the Percy Jackson series or the DC Comics. I only own the storyline and anything I make up myself.

If you see any mistakes in the text please point them out to me because I am not English and I only use free Grammarly.

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