The heroine coming to the rescue

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She was crouched on a small ledge against a disgusting dusty wall. A simple ski mask covered her face, Dick had tried to give her such a ridiculous mask. Percy had declined with thanks.

She looked around. The warehouse was dark, quietly stuffy and it stank. Someone really ought to hire someone to clean it. There were cobwebs all over the corners and some of the floors had a rather suspicious red discolouration. It was disgusting.

But that wasn't what her focus should be right now. Her eyes fell on a hinged door and she moved cautiously towards it. Percy had no idea why she hadn't fallen off the ledge yet, it was very very narrow.

When she was a little closer to the door she could finally see something. It was only a small crack, but she could clearly see silhouettes of people. Now she just had to wait.

Dick's plan had been very simple and Percy would have preferred an elaborate war plan, but maybe simple would work. The plan was that Dick would lure whoever was still in the warehouse out and Percy would free the others in the meantime.

The plan was uncertain and would probably require a lot of improvisation and that was exactly why she accepted it.

Percy was wonderfulat improvising plans. The first thing that wasn't settled about the plan was what exactly Dick would do to get everyone out of the warehouse. He had said, "I'll see what I have to work with, you'll notice".

Percy hoped for his sake that she would notice what the sign was. She really didn't feel like throwing the whole plan out so soon. Surely she could have organised it better. Even Tyson probably could. And plans weren't really his strongest point. Not in the thinking aspect and certainly not in the execution.

She heard a loud bang from outside and then several smaller ones. What the hell had Dick done that was his plan?

Percy just assumed that was the sign, so she took one last look to see if anyone was around. No one. And jumped. She landed incredibly gracefully and was reminded once again why and height was not her strong point.

From the ground, she looked around carefully and then slipped unnoticed through the small crack in the door. She was met with a somewhat shocked look from Tim and an annoyed one from Bruce. He already seemed to think the plan was really stupid. Damian and Jason looked very neutral.

He didn't even know The plan. Adults really.

"I've come to rescue you, you in distress."

What are you doing here said? Bruce's eyes. He was completely unimpressed. And Percy chose to ignore him and set about untying Tim. She couldn't untie the knot, was Joker a secret sailor?

She took a knife and cut through the rope with ease. As Tim began to massage his wrists and untie the gag, she also untied the ropes around Damian's and Jason's hands. Bruce was the last to be helped.

And although she had saved him efficiently, he was still not thrilled about her presence.

He really had problems. Did he not understand the concept of gratitude.

"What are you doing here?" clearly he didn't understand that word.

"I'm rescuing you."

"You shouldn't be here."

"would you rather have stayed tied up? I can find a spare rope if you want." He chose to ignore her and gave Tim a look on his follow, he stood directly in front of Percy, like a shield.

"I don't need protection, Dick wouldn't have accepted my help I wouldn't be able to defend myself."

"He what?" Oops, sorry, Dick.


The group of five began to move cautiously into the shadows towards the exit. Bruce was even more annoyed because Percy had told him that she had no idea what Dirk's plan really was.

Tim was still half standing in front of her like a walking wall. Percy wanted to question this tactic, Tim certainly couldn't fight very well when he was supposed to be watching her, and that led her to conclude that Bruce honestly thought she was incapable of fighting herself.

Tim slowed his steps, and of course Percy's until they were a good length behind the others. He turned to her and walked backwards.

"How did you manage to persuade dick to let you help?" The boy asked in wonder.

"I trained with him." Tim stared at her in confusion.

"I kicked his ass and he let me."

"You what?"

"Wasn't that hard."

"But he is stubborn as hell he wouldn't let you come if he knows how mad Bruce will be. And he totally knows."

"Really? ok." She chose to accept it. They followed the others faster again.

As Percy had predicted, Dick's plan did not work. They were almost at the exit when the clown suddenly stood in front of Bruce. Tim stood so stiffly that she ran into him and Jason moved carefully to cover her completely.

"You're leaving already?" The clown asked.

Bruce didn't answer and attacked him directly. From behind him came Dick, his hair covered in ash, and Percy realised that his distraction had been 100% an explosion.

He attacked the clown from the other side and it went really well. Percy had no idea how the Joker had managed to outwit the five of them in the first fight and she wasn't going to get that chance.

She wanted to protest but Tim had a firm grip on her arm and pulled her away from the others. Into an alley where a motorbike stood. He gestured for her to sit on it and although she wanted to stay and help, she accepted. What could she say against it?

They thought of her as some girl that knew how to throw a few weak punches and not as a demigoddess. She hoped they never would see her as that.

WORDS: 993

I don't own the Percy Jackson series or the DC Comics. I only own the storyline and anything I make up myself.

If you see any mistakes in the text please point them out to me because I am not English and I only use free Grammarly.

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