The heroines family is gone (insert dramatic music)

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TW: brief mention of kidnapping and kidnapping is presented in a funny way

no idea if that triggers anyone but better be safe than sorry


Percy had just gotten out of her very much needed shower after she had been full of maple syrup and was checking herself in the mirror. She pulled the water from her hair and brushed it through. Searching her little bag of things for something to wear. To wear to speak with her uncle. She already dreaded the conversation.

She excelled at lying but not so much when it came to lying to a mortal. Lying to a mortal and a monster or god (yes, she had lied to gods even though she assumed they had known that she had lied) was a big difference not only because often monsters were stupid but also because of the things she lied to monsters about. And because the monsters knew they existed. Her uncle didn't.

Wait no he did know he existed but not that monsters existed. That would be weird not knowing that you existed. Were there somewhere in the world monsters or gods or even mortals who didn't know they existed? She had to find out.

Back to the very important matters on hand. Clothing. Clothing that made a good impression on him. Problem she didn't have any good impression clothing. She found a clean white shirt and when she looked again, she saw that it wasn't actually clean but full of blood and ripped. That was not good.

So she did what any other person would do - she took a black, untorn T-shirt and turned it around so that the clean side was at the back. The back at the front and the back at the front. She put it on, completely satisfied with the result. She just couldn't let anyone see that it was full of blood. So she put a jacket on her back and the bloodstains were now covered. Percy hoped that she would not forget and take the jacket off. That would be very, very impractical.

Bruce had told her to come to his office at 5 pm. And Percy was late. She would have made it but she still couldn't find her way around this labyrinth manor. Percy was just happy that it was not like Daedalus labyrinth. So now five minutes too late she stood in front of her uncle's office. She knocked carefully Her hand touched the door with a certainty that Percy did not actually possess. Like at all she was not certain about the following conversation at all.

But no answer came. The door remained closed and no voice told her to come in. SO Percy opened the door and looked inside the room carefully. No one was there. Percy went to Dicks room. (Surprisingly finding it). And carefully knocked.  No answer and when she checked no one was inside. She also checked the other rooms but she found no one.

She didn't search for Alfred because she knew he had a free day. (Bruce had insisted that the butler take some time off). She was slightly worried but there was probably a good explanation for everyone in the house to vanish. When she had vanished for months and woken without any memories there had also been a reason.

A shitty one but a reason nonetheless. Percy hoped that the gods were not playing with her newfound family. But at the same time doubted that there wasn't a minor gossip god who just had to tell the others that she had a mortal family now. And then came the kidnapping god and kidnapped her new mortal family. This idea sounded extremely stupid and like a horrible idea from a person who is slightly deranged and has no social life.

Percy wasn't even a hundred per cent sure that a gossip and a kidnapping god did not exist so she just hoped they didn't.

It was a hilarious picture in her head. Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian were all standing at the sidewalk (Not walking for some reason but Percy wouldn't question what her mind made up). And then a white van drove up beside them and a bald man stuck his head out of the window.

"Do you guys want candy?" All five males nodded and the bald guy (the kidnapping god in disguise) grinned a very bad evil grin. "I have it in my van you just have to get in." He said in a fake nice voice. His mouth looked like it was about to fall off from the effort to smile.


"Yay candy."

"I'll eat more candy than you."

"No, I will."

"You are all fools to believe you can eat more candy than me."

And with that, all five males got into the van and the van drove off.

Scene End.

Now that she had seen it she actually hoped that this god didn't exist. She didn't even want to think about what a kidnapping, gossip and candy god could do together. It would be total chaos. If she thought about it a gossiping god did exist Aphrodite.

Percy decided to stop looking for other people and made his way out into the rather unsafe inner city of Gotham. At first glance, the city was ugly. At second glance, the city seemed unsafe. At third glance, Percy was sure the city was unsafe. At fourth glance, Percy was sure the city was dangerous and at fifth glance, she could swear there was a hand in the rubbish.

Percy was not really discouraged by this, she had fought worse than single hands. Percy made her way to McDonald's the greasy smell had shown her many metres ago where the fast-food restaurant was.

And there, in all its glory, stood a McDonald's so battered that Percy wasn't sure why it hadn't been closed by the authorities. The big yellow glowing M was no longer yellow. It was no longer glowing and a part was missing so it was more like an N. However, Mcdonalds is Mcdonalds so Percy was not bothered by the look of the shop.


Percy was back at the Manor. Still, no one was there. She had finished her meal and the sun had long since disappeared behind the houses. Percy didn't know what to do with herself and she didn't want to pry into the affairs of her uncle or his sons. She would have searched long ago if she wasn't afraid that her uncle wouldn't trust her after this. She couldn't afford any more missteps. So Percy did the best thing she could think of. She went to sleep.

And of course, she dreamed. Wonderful. Percy could feel that it was no ordinary dream. It was more like a demigod dream. Whatever she was seeing was happening right now, or in the near future, and it wasn't good.

She was in a warehouse it was dark disgusting smelling and very very cold. A little further back in another room, a dim light comes from under a door. The door bursts open because of a puff of air and Percy catches a glimpse of 4 people. All dressed in strange masks and tight suits. Percy couldn't see much because of the darkness. The figures do not move, they all hang limply on their chairs.

The dream ended abruptly when Percy heard a loud bang from somewhere in the Manor.

The house was no longer empty.

WORDS: 1237

In case anyone wonders why I comment so much under my own stories. It's so that others think the story is popular and many would comment etc.
I'm not ashamed of this idea, in fact, I think it's a wonderful idea and you should be proud of me.
And even though I already noted it in the comments in the last chapter 2.5K???? OMG THANKS

OK so cliffhanger now it's getting exciting I apologise in advance I CAN'T WRITE FIGHTING SCENES SORRY OK? THANKS

I don't own the Percy Jackson series or the DC Comics. I only own the storyline and anything I make up myself.

If you see any mistakes in the text please point them out to me because I am not English and I only use free Grammarly.

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