The heroine meets her new family, for real this time

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The next time Percy could feel anything she felt a soft mattress under her and a thick blanket over her. She didn't know how she had gotten here, but she suspected that whoever had been at the cemetery had brought her here.

As this thought solidified in the girl's mind, she couldn't help but panic again. Where was she and especially with whom? She didn't dare open her eyes in case someone was around and that someone was dangerous. She lay still and listened. Percy listened for quite a while and then she heard footsteps.

The footsteps were muffled as if they were coming from another room. The footsteps stopped and she could hear someone opening a door. She heard the footsteps clearly now and realized that someone was in the same room as her. She hadn't heard a key in the door, so she assumed that if she ran, she could open the door.

Not for a second did she even consider that she might not be in danger but back at her uncle's house. Her training, years of fighting and Tartarus had left her marked. Her brain had banished trust and instead let in caution and mistrust.

Just one of the many effects that two wars had on a person so young. Many of the demigods had after-effects of war, but none so much as Percy. At the age of twelve, this war had started for her, even if she didn't know it at the time. She had been one of the most important chess pieces in a war when she was only fifteen.

She had led children into war against their siblings and not just once. She had also been a leader in the second war and that had brought her to Tartarus. A place burned into her memories, the object of her worst nightmares.

So when this person approached Percy, she assumed she was in danger and attacked. She was still weak but she didn't know what else to do.

She sat up in a flash and threw a punch in a second, then opened her eyes. But they were still so marked by her nightmares and sleep that she could not see clearly. She blinked briefly but all she saw were corpses. Corpses of friends and enemies so she closed her eyes again and continued to strike blindly.

Whoever she was fighting did not fight like a monster. Not that monsters had a certain fighting style, no. But they just fought differently. They usually fought with weapons against whoever she didn't fight, and besides, her opponent hadn't made a remark against her yet. Monsters never missed an opportunity to complain about demigods.

She didn't hear the door open again but only felt herself suddenly being pulled back. One arm was around her neck and other arms held her tightly. She remained silent in an attempt to look weak because she could no longer assess the new situation.

The girl still did not open her eyes because she was afraid that if she opened them she would see the corpses again. She could hear three voices talking. Percy could only understand fragments of the conversation but she didn't try. Percy was pulled back and could soon feel the mattress under her again.

That was the moment she listened to the conversation again.

"I'll go get Bruce, make sure she doesn't hurt herself." She didn't know who the voice belonged to, but it slowly dawned on her that maybe she wasn't in danger. Percy still didn't relax because monsters were very good at impersonating others.

She wanted to open her eyes, she really did, but she was too scared. She was afraid of seeing the corpses again. Percy knew that such behaviour was pathetic and if she had behaved like that in the war it would have cost her her life, but she didn't care. Percy didn't care how weak she was now because she had fought enough if she had her way it could be over now.

She knew the gods well enough and knew that she would only get peace in death. And Percy also knew that it would probably catch up with her soon anyway. Percy had been running away from death since she was twelve and she had seen him fetch people so often that she could almost call him an old friend.

So if these really were monsters who were going to kill her, she would welcome death with open arms. It was quiet in the room and she felt eyes on her but no one said anything. The door opened again and more people entered.

"Ehm." Someone cleared their throat. "Percy." She recognized her uncle's voice but still didn't dare to think that maybe they weren't monsters. "We don't want to hurt you. We found you at your mother's grave and brought you here. The doctor said you were still in shock. Nothing will happen to you here." The girl still didn't trust him. How could she?

Her uncle's voice sighed.

"Open your eyes, look around. You know this room." However, Percy kept her eyes shut. And she didn't know why, maybe it was just hope for normality, maybe because she couldn't do anything anyway, but she nodded slightly as a signal that she believed him.

"You don't have to talk to us or open your eyes if you don't want to, but everything is fine.

And Percy accepted it, the thought that maybe this really was a safe place was dangerous. It gave her hope and hope made one weak, one became inattentive. However, she couldn't help but accept the hope that maybe this was home and safe, at least for a little while.

The girl knew that she was never completely safe, even if the monsters miraculously did not kill her, at some point the gods would demand her service again and she would have to serve them again. Percy had always been good at ignoring them, though, so she pushed those thoughts away.

And when she heard the door close and no one in her room, she let herself fall back and let sleep take her over.

A dreamless sleep.


Just a little more trauma. Thank you to everyone who reads my story.

I don't own the Percy Jackson series or the DC Comics. I only own the storyline and anything I make up myself.

If you see any mistakes in the text please point them out to me because I am not English and I only use free Grammarly.

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