The heroine doubts

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She didn't know exactly how long she had been staring at the starless and dark night sky. She only knew that it had been more than half an hour and that even in all that time her brain still hadn't come to terms with the news. She didn't have the faintest idea how to continue her life now that she no longer had her mother. Her mother had always been Percy's greatest advisor and she had always stood behind her every decision.

It was now clear to the girl that she had valued this advice and love far too little. She remembered the first time she thought her mother had been taken from her, but there was too much going on in her head to really deal with it.

And now the deaths of her mother and Paul were all she could think about. It was almost as if the rest of her brain had been swept clean and only her mother's face was floating right in the middle. She felt as if she was in a big empty room that was normally overflowing with emotions and strange ideas and had always been completely stuffed, but now all she could see were the gravestones of her mother and stepfather.

She didn't feel particularly sad, it was more like confusion like she still didn't quite understand that Sally and Paul were dead. She prayed that they were both standing in Elysium at that moment, enjoying their deaths together. Percy knew this was the only option because there was no reason for them to end up anywhere else as they had both lived their lives lovingly and fairly.

Lived - that word stuck in Percy's mind and she realised that from now on she could only talk about her mother and stepfather in the past tense. The unfairness of the whole situation was too much for Percy and anger seemed to come over her like a red curtain.

This red curtain covered her eyes and everything she saw now made her angry. She needed revenge and she needed it soon because she didn't know how she could even try to close this chapter if she didn't make the murderer of Sally and Paul Blofis pay. So she quietly opened the window of her new room and slipped out.

Climbing down the high wall of the house was no problem compared to the lava climbing wall or the rest of the camp training. She hoped that her uncle wouldn't worry too much and try to stop her. Her first stop was at the bus station where she caught a bus back to her old flat where her search for clues would begin.

When she opened her eyes again, she was no longer on the bus but instead in something cave-like. She quickly realised that this was the underworld and that she was only visiting in a dream. She saw the rows of the dead waiting to be judged and she saw the gates to Elysium.

She knew with a high degree of certainty that Sally and Paul were there because she felt drawn there. She felt as if her mother's voice was calling her as if she had tied a rope around Percy and was pulling her towards her. And without thinking for a second, she followed the pull.

And then together, laughing, she saw both Paul and Sally, their arms locked together, looking around. There was a certain sadness in both their eyes, but also something like joy. And in Percy's eyes, there was only joy. She was euphoric that her mother and Paul had been given a new start, one without monsters and most importantly together. They may have found this peace only in death, but Percy was grateful that the well-deserved peace had finally reached both of them.

With a jolt, she was torn out of the only peaceful dream she had had in a long time. She looked out the window of the bus and realised that it had come to a stop. This puzzled Percy because at least one monster would have had to mature by now in these many many hours.

She could only hope that this was the gods' doing and that no monsters were conspiring against her. Even if turning a few dozen monsters into dust seemed like a nice way to pass the time until she found the guy.


She was standing on a small hill on the outside of a prison. It had not been difficult to find out where the murderer was sitting in prison. It had taken her just half a day. Then three more days for a plan that would hopefully work. Her plan was very simple, why it had taken her three days she really didn't know.

She had found his cell and would vapor-travel into it when it was dark. It was a skill she hadn't quite mastered yet but it would be enough because she had a very precise goal in mind. She would use the mist to make her appearance unrecognisable. She had been practising it for a long time and was confident that it would work, but she had still bought a ski mask.

The sun had set and the moon lit the night dimly. She pulled the mask over her head and concentrated on the guy's cell. She closed her eyes and felt a strange sensation and when she opened her eyes again she found herself in a prison cell. There was only one guy in it and that was pure luck because she didn't want an audience and had forgotten to check if he was alone in his cell.

She walked slowly towards the guy until she was standing directly above him, staring down at him. He seemed to have noticed her presence because he started to wake up. Percy noticed this and brought out her sword riptide with deadly speed.

The moment her victim felt the blade against his neck his eyes flew open and he stared at her with pure fear in his eyes. Percy stared back and wanted to lunge but could not. It was at that moment that she realised she could not take the life of a mortal no matter what he had done. And it was at that moment that she understood that Sally would not be proud of her if Percy did this. So she just stared deep into his eyes and slowly drew her sword away with a trembling hand.

"Why did you do it?" she asked him, her voice low and almost expressionless, but if you listened carefully you could just hear the pain.

"What?" The man asked. And Percy could only stare at him with contempt.

"Why did you murder Sally and Paul Blofis." Her voice was now trembling with anger.

"I was on drugs" The man stammered as if this was an apology. The girl could not believe her ears.

"I hope you rot in here." Were her last words before she vapor-travelled out of that cell without a destination in mind. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself collapsing in front of her mother's grave.

She stared at her mother's name and the date of her death and for the first time in a long time, she began to cry. But not just one or two tears, no, she sobbed uncontrollably, her eyes still on the gravestone. The haze and numbness that had settled over her disappeared and she was completely overcome by pure grief.

I don't own the Percy Jackson series or the DC Comics. I only own the storyline and anything I make up myself.

If you see any mistakes in the text please point them out to me because I am not English and I only use free Grammarly.

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