The half-orphan meets her new family.

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She didn't know how long she had been sitting there, probably only half an hour, but it felt like far more. She looked around again and her gaze fell on a clock. Percy's suspicions were confirmed she had really only been in this extremely boring room for half an hour.

She continued to play with riptide between her fingers. The only activity she had been doing in the office for half an hour was to distract herself from the death of her mother and Paul. It was getting boring and Percy's mind wandered back to her mother - it was a miracle she could distract herself for so long.

Her mother was dead and it had not a monster. The officer told her that they had arrested the guy. What was the officer's name again? He must have told her his name at some point. Percy probably hadn't listened to him. What should she call him? She had no idea, her thoughts were too focused on her dead mother.

The clearing of the throat of a man standing in the doorway brought her out of her thoughts. he was tall, had black hair, and wore a suit.

"Persephone? I'm Bruce Wayne, your uncle."


He looked at her in confusion.

"My name is Percy, only people who want to kill me call me Persephone."

He decided not to dwell on the killing theme.

"I've filled out all the papers, you can move in with me."

She just nodded and stood up, still twisting riptides between her fingers. They left the police station through the back door. She gave Bruce a confused look.

"If we go through the back, fewer people will notice us."

___time skip to during the drive____

The car ride was strange and silent neither of them knew what to say. And Percy was still trying to understand who her uncle was and why he seemed so important.

He had wanted to go through the back door and had a limousine and a driver. That screamed important in her eyes, but she couldn't place his name. Percy knew that in another situation she might have remembered but the events of today had been too much for her and she couldn't think straight. After half an hour of uncomfortable silence, her uncle cleared his throat and turned to her. He seemed to want to start a conversation, so she looked over at him.

"What was she like? Sally, I mean." She felt sorry for the man, not as much as she felt sorry for herself, but still. Losing your own sister as a child and only finding her when she was dead and you had to take in your daughter was really not a nice thought.

"She was an incredibly caring and loving woman. She always gave everything for me, did everything to make me feel good, even if it hurt her. She didn't deserve to die, not after she finally found someone who treated her well and loved her. Not after she finally found peace and happiness."

Percy couldn't put into words how sad she was and how much she wanted to see whoever had done this to her mother suffer. But she also knew she couldn't tell her newfound uncle about her murderous thoughts.

Her uncle looked at her with pity in his eyes and she hated it. She knew what she must look like, weepy and just horrible, but she didn't want his pity. The only thing that would help her was either to see her mother again and that was not going to happen no matter how much she begged hades.

And the second option would be revenge. She was already laying out a plan in her head, a plan to kill this man. She would kill him slowly and painfully because he deserved it in her eyes. At least, that's how she imagined it. She didn't believe she could torture a man coldly, not even if he had murdered her family. She wouldn't be able to, not after Tartarus, not after she had experienced torture herself.

Her time in Tartarus had scarred her deeply and she would not soon be able to forget the terrible things that had happened to her. After the war, most of the demigods had withdrawn completely to mourn their lost family. Percy was fortunate that all seven had survived, but they had not parted too happily.

They had fought, not an important one, but a fight anyway. They had all wished a happy life for the others and then turned their backs on each other. Percy had cut off her contact with everyone from the camp because she didn't want to always be reminded of the war. She had turned away from the gods and begged them to leave her alone, hoping for a peaceful life with Paul and her mother, but it had never happened.

The car lapsed into silence again, but now she was no longer quite so strange and cautious.

I'm sorry I never uploaded, but I had several exams and it was just very stressful again with the presence school. I think I will upload more often from now on, but I can't promise anything. Also, thank you to everyone who is still reading my story.

I don't own the Percy Jackson series or the DC Comics. I only own the storyline and anything I make up myself.

If you see any mistakes in the text please point them out to me because I am not English and I only use free Grammarly.

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