Things I would like to say

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* (That's Liarah's picture)*

First thing first - Welcome everyone, who chose to read this story, I'm really thankful for your time and patience.

The thing is I'm not a writer, I have no previous experience of writing story, I've got no idea how this whole thing works and also I know most of you won't be reading this (been there, done that). I've had Wattpad for almost an year now and I sometimes skip this part 😬

I'm not writing this to be recognised as a writer, I'm writing this because I've got this pretty good imagination that I want to pen down and see how it goes. Another reason for doing this is because of lockdown, things are pretty bad but I would like to thank God cause I haven't lost any near and dear ones. I can't imagine others who have been victim, who is suffering, who has their family or friends suffering because of covid-19 at this bad time. I truly don't know how difficult this must be and I pray to god to give them strength and all the help they need to overcome this pandemic.

Sorry I got carried away but the point is I've got nothing to do so I thought of writing this story I had in my mind. *There might be some mistakes, I would like readers suggestions to make it right. I'll consider each and everyone's suggestions to make it better.
*I don't mind negative comments cause that ain't gonna do any bad, I've grown past worrying about hate and negative comments. So... Yeah you comment what you like.
*English isn't my first language but I've tried my level best not to make grammatical and spelling errors, if I've missed anywhere and you notice it be sure to inform me, I'll correct them right away.
*I'm writing this also to improve my language so suggestions gonna really help me.
*I suggest not skipping intro since it carries short background story about the characters which will help in better understanding as the story progress.
*All the characters are imaginary and work of fiction. It has nothing to do with anyone living or dead.

So these are the things I had to say.... and oh yeah... pictures used in this story aren't mine, they are from pinterest and Google and if you want different cast, you know what to do - suggest ;p.

Hope you have a good time and stay safe.

Celaena - The Lost PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now