Vol. 2 Ch. 10 The Date

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Your POV

I got back to Beacon and knocked on the door to my sisters' dorm. Weiss answered it and said, "Hey, Y/N. Can I help you?" I smiled and said, "Yeah, is Ruby here?" She shook her head amd replied, "No, she's not here right now. She insisted that we play some type of board game in the library. I was on my way there now if you want to join me." I nodded and said, "Sure." We both made our way to the library and we found the rest of her team at a table with Remnant: The Game set out on it. I walked over to Ruby and said, "Hey, Sis. Here are the cookies I owe you from last semester." I held out the bag of chocolate chip cookies for her and she snatched them from my hand. Then she hugged me and said, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You're the best brother ever!" I smiled as I ruffled her hair and said, "You're welcome, little sis." I gave Pyrrha a smile and decided that I'd work out before I needed to get ready for the date. I went back to my dorm and changed into white tank top and athletic shorts. I headed to the gym and started to bench press some weights. I kept working out, making sure that I kept checking the time. When 5:00 rolled around, I finished my last rep and headed back to my dorm. I went into the bathroom and hopped into the shower. After I had finished getting cleaned up and had gotten dressed in my usual outfit, I checked the time on my Scroll, which read 5:49pm. I made sure that I had my wallet and headed to Team JNPR's dorm. I knocked on the door and Ren answered it. He smiled and said, "Hello, Y/N. Here for Pyrrha?" I smiled and replied, "Yep. Is she ready?" He nodded and said, "Pyrrha, Y/N is here for your date." She came to the door and said, "Wonderful. I'm ready." We left her dorm and headed to the docking bays with our fingers intertwined as we held hands.

Pyrrha and I rode a Bullhead into downtown Vale. I held her hand in mine and led her to a restaurant that I had been to before. We walked in and I said, "Table for two please." The waiter nodded and led us to a table by the window. We sat down and Pyrrha said, "Y/N, this place is nice." I smiled and said, "I thought you'd like it." We looked through our menus and ordered some food. As we ate, we shared stories and laughs. After we finished our food and I had paid for the two of us, we walked along the streets of downtown Vale, holding hands. Eventually we stopped by the docks and enjoyed the cool and gentle ocean breeze. I looked at Pyrrha, whose eyes were seemingly glowing in the moonlight. As she admired the starry night sky reflecting off the water, she said, "This is a great view." I sighed and said, "Not as nearly as beautiful as mine." She looked at me and said, "Really?" I smirked and said, "I stand by what I said." She rolled her eyes and we both headed back to Beacon.

When we got to the dormitories, Pyrrha looked at me and said, "Hey, Y/N, can I sleep with you tonight?" I raised an eyebrow and said, "Really?" She blushed slightly and said, "Yes. But just sleeping, I'm not ready to have sex." I nodded and said, "Neither am I. But if you just want to sleep with me, I'm completely fine with that. As long as you're okay with me sleeping shirtless." She smiled and said, "I'm okay with that. Let me just grab my sleepwear from my dorm." I nodded as she entered her dorm and came out a few minutes later. We went back to my dorm and she went into the bathroom to change. I took off my jacket and my shirt, and changed out of my pants into a pair of dark blue shorts. I laid down on my bed while Pyrrha continued to change.

When she came out in her pajamas, she laid next to me and kissed me passionately and I kissed her back. Then we started making out on my bed. She pushed me down on the bed and licked my lower lip for entrance. I hesitated for a moment, before letting her tongue enter my mouth. She explored my entire mouth with her tougue, and then let me do the same with my tongue in her mouth. Then we continued to kiss each other passionately. Eventually we pulled away, leaving a silvery string of saliva between us. She laid her head on my bare chest and said, "I love you, Y/N." I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her waist and said, "I love you too, Pyrrha." Then we both drifted off to sleep together in each other's arms.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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