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Your POV

15 Years Later

I woke up and opened my eyes to see my beautiful wife laying next to me, still fast asleep. I smiled as I thought back to what had happened in the last few years. After we had defeated Salem, Pyrrha and I got married and got a house in Vale. With Beacon Academy finally repaired and cleared of Grimm, Glynda Goodwitch had become the new Headmistress of the academy. She had asked Pyrrha and I if we'd be willing to teach at Beacon, to which we happily accepted. After that first year, Pyrrha and I had decided to start our own family. When she gave birth to our first kid, it was a girl, so in honor of our dear friend that we had lost a second time, we both agreed to name our daughter Penny. Penny was now 6 years old. She had my silver eyes and Pyrrha's red hair.

I sighed and kissed Pyrrha on the forehead, causing her to slowly wake up. She opened her eyes and looked at me with a smile. I smiled warmly and said, "Hey, Pyrr. We should probably get ready. New students will be arriving at Beacon this afternoon." She nodded and said, "You're right. You go make sure that Penny is ready. I'll make us a quick breakfast." I nodded and kissed her on the lips before getting up and going to Penny's room. I woke her up and said, "Hey, sweetie. It's time to get up." She yawned and said, "But Daddy, I'm tired." I smiled and said, "The sooner you get ready, the sooner we can have breakfast before we drop you off with Aunt Ruby." At the mention of her favorite aunt, Penny got up and said, "Okay!" I smiled as my daughter started to change, and I went downstairs to the kitchen. I quietly walked up behind Pyrrha and wrapped my arms around her waist. She jumped as I kissed her neck and said, "Have I ever told you how beautiful you look?" She smiled and said, "Only every day since we started dating." I chuckled lightly and said, "Well, it's true." Just then, there was a knock on the door. I answered it to see my little sister. I smiled and said, "Hey, sis. Pyrrha is just finishing up making breakfast, come on in." She smiled and entered the house. We then heard a voice call from the stairs and it said, "Aunt Ruby!" Penny ran over and gave Ruby a hug as Ruby ruffled her hair and said, "Hey there, Penny."

Later that day, as we were getting ready for the entrance speech, Pyrrha said, "Hey, Feathers. I found something out earlier." I looked at her and said, "What's that?" She smiled and said, "I'm pregnant again." I kissed her and said, "That's wonderful! I love you, Pyrrha Branwen." She replied, "I love you too, Y/N Branwen."

The End.

I know that this chapter was kinda short but I felt like I was at a (somewhat) good stopping point. I hope you all enjoyed this fanfic. I'm pretty sure there's an obvious winner for the next book already.
Master out.

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