Vol. 2 Ch. 18 Break

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Your POV

I was in my dorm, cuddling with Pyrrha while we were watching a movie. When the movie ended, I said, "Hey, Pyrr. Would you be okay if I went with my sisters to visit my uncle during break? Or would you want me to stay here during break and we can go there together at the end of the school year?" She smiled and said, "How about we go together during break? As long as that's okay with you?" I smiled and said, "I just haven't seen my uncle in a couple years. But if you want to go with me, I'm completely fine with that. Let me just let my sisters know that you'll be joining us." She nodded and said, "Okay." I went to Team RWBY's dorm and knocked on the door. Yang answered it and said, "Hey, Y/N. You change your mind about coming to Patch with Ruby and I?" I smiled and said, "On the contrary, I wanted to let you know that Pyrrha is going to be coming with us. I mean if that's okay." Yang smiled and said, "That's perfectly fine. I'll see you two at the Bullhead later." I nodded and said, "See you there."

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Neo dumping a bucket of water on Chibi Neptune)

When Yang, Ruby, Pyrrha, and I arrived at Patch, we were met by a familiar person. Ruby ran up, hugged him, and said, "Dad!" He ruffled her hair and said, "Hey, Ruby." Then Yang walked up and said, "Hey, Dad." I held Pyrrha's hand and said, "You're going to be fine, Pyrr. Trust me." She nodded as she took a deep breath and said, "You're right." Then the two of us approached my Uncle and I said, "Hey, Uncle Tai, it's been awhile." He looked at me and said, "Y/N! It's great to see you again. And is this lady your friend?" I smirked and said, "Uncle Tai, this is Pyrrha Nikos, and she's my girlfriend." Pyrrha smiled and said in her usual cheerful tone, "Hello!" Tai smiled and said, "It's nice to meet you, Pyrrha. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy your stay. If my nephew likes you enough to bring you along, you're just fine in my book." She smiled and said, "Thanks." Then I led her to the 2nd spare bedroom that used to be mine growing up. She followed me into the room and said, "Is this just a spare room?" I smiled and said, "Yes and no. This was my room growing up. But when I turned 15, I went with Dad on some of his missions. So my uncle turned my room into a 2nd spare bedroom. But I always get it whenever I would stop by with Dad." Pyrrha nodded and said, "Well, I think it looks wonderful, Feathers." I raised an eyebrow and said, "Feathers?" She blushed slightly and said, "Well, you always call me Pyrr. And part of your semblance is feathers, so I thought it'd be a good nickname for you. If you don't like it, I don't have t─" I cut her off with a gentle kiss on her lips. When I pulled away, I smiled as I looked into her beautiful vivid green eyes and said, "It's perfect, Pyrrha. I love it. But I love you more." She smiled and said, "I love you too."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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