Chapter 24/ runaway

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I hopped back into the car getting into the road again.
I had to stop and get gas for my car. As I put gas in my car I go inside my some chips and candy and a soda. I pull out the gas tank and get into my car and drive off. I honestly don't know we're I'm going. I'm so afraid. I can go to kaley's house but it's 3:30 in the morning I doubt she's awake but it's not even worth a try she'll snitch me out and I'll never get to runaway like I want to but I need a place to stay for 2 days then back on the road again. I could totally live this life and get away from reality it seems better and way cooler. Drama free and ashton free. I felt bad but he literally ruined my relationship with Luke and it's sucks. Maybe I'll just get a hotel room stay for 2 nights then leave the following morning. So that's what I do I park my car grabbing my snacks and bags and head to the front and check in. She gives me my hotel card and I go to the 3rd floor. I'm in room 345 I walk in setting my bags and snacks down. I have a big ass bed and bathroom. I'm so happy and it's only costing me $69.23 , it's pretty cheep for 2 nights in this hotel. Whatever im tried I've been driving for an hour. I put on my pj's and get into bed. I pull the covers over me starting to fall asleep. I hear my phone buzz and it was calum I let it ring and I then fell asleep.
I woke up to banging on my door. I was super scared that luke and the boys might have found me. I looked through the glass thing and it was just the people that needed to clean. I told them to come back later. I put my clothes in my bag I grabbed my blue tank top that showed a little skin and my high wasted shorts and put my make up on and then put my bag on my bed and went to brush my hair in the bathroom. I went to the side desk and grabbed my phone and car keys and headed out to get some food. I went to a chick-fa-la 30 minutes away from were I was staying bc I don't want the boys trying to find me. I want to be gone at least a week I'm heading some where I've always wanted to go, which is Miami Florida. It's so beautiful there. I'm just trying to get to the airport which is pretty far from where I am. So I have to drive 2 hours and waste gas then park my car then go buy my airplane ticket. I finished eating and grabbed my drink and left as I was leaving I saw Michael. My heart dropped as I ran out the door to my car. I got in backed up fast and drove off and I saw Luke, Calum and ashton walking inside as I left. My heart broke. They were looking for me but why. Why Luke? He doesn't care. I sped back to the hotel and grabbed my bags and charger and check out and I got $15.45 back bc I didn't stay another day. I put my bags in the car. I got in putting on my seatbelt and backing up leaving the hotel. Well here goes 2 hours of driving. I connect my phone and but on some one direction to listen to on the way. My song list gets to a song a recorded of Luke and he was sing she will beloved and my heart broke and I bursted into tears. I couldn't see the rode my eyes were teared up and before I knew it my life blinked before my eyes and it went black.

We entered chick-fa-la looking for july and Michael said she ran out the door but it looked like she didn't want to be found at all he said. I shouldn't have broke her heart. She's so sensitive and now with my braking her heart really sucks. We leave the place going to the car. We get in and Calum's crying and saying that he's never gonna see her again bc of me. Bc of me really I thought to myself. And then that's when the guilt came to me. It's my fault she ran away. It's all my fault. I could have helped her that's when Michael starts to cry. He pulls to the side and said he can't do it. He needs july and her happy little self.

"Dude she was happy with you and she loved you. Why did you leave her? She can be so far away from us now bc I didn't stop her when she ran. It's my fault." He said crying super hard.

"I'm sorry man. Ashton kissed her and I could take it. I'm sorry she ran away. I didn't know she was going to. I'm sorry Mikey" I said almost tearing up myself.

"Forget it man. I'm done with this and I'm tried of you braking her heart. If I had a girl like that I would love her till the end." He said

I just sat back I looked out the window thinking about where she is. Then I feel my phone buzz. And it was Julys grams.

"Hello ms.tomilson, everything okay"

"No not really son, july just go into a car accident"

That's when I lost it...

Guysssssss it's getting good lol my best friend just died so I'm sorry if I don't today right away in taking it pretty hard😞 I'm sorry but I hope you guys are enjoying the story❤️

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