Chapter 15/is she back for good

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After there band practice Ashton came back over. "Glad your back ash" "yeah same that band practice was the death of me" "haha want me to take you home" "actually tomorrow can you take me home my mom said I can stay another night but I have to come back tomorrow" "okay that's fine" "and Luke was talking about you the whole time" "really?" "Yep" "weird" "haha I guess" "do you wanna watch Netflix ashy" "I'm gonna take a shower Luke gave me some clothes that I can wear until I wash mine" "oh that was nice" "yeah so I'm gonna hop in the shower" "okay that's fine maybe we can watch a movie when you get out" "yeah maybe". He walked into the bathroom and I sat here watching my vampire dairies. 'July' she said I ignored it and kept watching the show, 'you can't get me out of your head or thoughts' I just kept watching the show 'you bitch!', she threw my computer to the wall "what the fuck you bitch" 'now that I've got you attention we need to talk you' "you always wanna hurt me just leave" 'please listen july you might wanna here this' "why should I your such a bitch" 'just hear me out' "why so you can just tear me down again" 'your dad is looking for you and he wants to take you' "and why should I believe you" 'bc my life was just like yours' "who are you" 'I'm bella' "wait, you died" 'yeah my dad killed me' "so why are you torturing me and never did anything I'm a piece of shit and you come in my life you fucking all look for me what a bitch you are that's why your dad killed you" 'hey don't take this out on me my father killed me how my supposed to live life I think everybody i meetings needs to be tortured I'm a ghost and not being able to be alive sucks you have the most wonderful friends and I'm here dead and you're here living each and every moment that you can and I know you're depressed and I shouldn't feed off of that I should feed off of the good of people and I'm sorry' "if I let you into my life you can't fuck it up understood and if were not understood by each other I'm going to kill myself and you're going to regret having a persons life on your hands" 'I promise I won't do anything to hurt you anymore July just glad you're getting happier with Ashton I know you're super happy with Luke and Luke broke your heart and I'm sorry about that' "it's okay Bella we understand each other now now let's get to the bottom of my father bull shit and after we get done with him I don't want anything to do with you anymore Bella understood and I swear if you come back and torture me again I swear I am going to kill myself you're going to regret every moment that you tortured me I know you so don't come back after we are done with my dad" 'okay but if you make another mistake with something at school I'm coming back I'm going to torture you and feed off your depression I'm just as mean as you July don't get your hopes up WHORE!' "See the thing is were not alike and I'm not a mean person only if I fucking hate your guts and want to kill you can yeah money person so don't fuck it up Bella or you will regret it trust me you will your dad I could see why he killed you" 'stop okay please my dad must've been a bitch actually I know he's a bitch please you torturing me now I'm not to torture you just stop okay I'll stop if you stop' "fine but I swear if you heard any of my family members or friends or people that I love I will try my hardest to torture you" 'okay' "understood" 'yeah' "now let's get rid of my bitch asked dad" .....

Okay so now there helping each other and damn July can be a rude ass bitch like damn oh and this was really short it's bc I'm working on chapter 16 the .... Read to find out more and I hope y'all are liking it bc I am idk why but shit it's pretty good 😂😂 if I get over 500 reads I'll make a sequel to the next book or something like that so read to see what happens!!!! Oh and I think I'm going to do this 20 or maybe 30 chapters so if you want more chapters or more of the story please common in white so I can know and so I can keep on writing to this one then I can know what I need to write to the next story for the next book!!!!

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