Chapter 26: The Russells

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Spencer's POV

Two weeks later.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Bullseye!" Lina exclaims, smiling brightly at me.

I look at the shooting target and see three holes right in the center. Aiming my gun, I pull the trigger, only to hit the outermost ring.

"You know, statistically speaking—" I begin to defend myself.

"Reid." Morgan cuts me off. "Just admit that your girl is better than you."

Lina giggles and I roll my eyes, sticking my tongue out at her.

Just then, Morgan's cell phone rings and he reaches around in his pocket, looking for his phone.

"Hey, Doll Face," he answers with a smile before turning into a frown. Then he glances at Lina. "Yeah, she's here. I'm putting you on speaker."

"What is it, Garcia?" Lina asks.

"Yang, do you remember Ariel and Caleb Russell—your foster parents?" Garcia questions.

"Yeah...." Lina narrows her eyes suspiciously. "Wait, how do you know I had foster parents? I've never told anyone except for Spencer and Hotch."

"T-t-they are involved in a mass shooting that's going on right now at a mall i-in Los Angeles."

Lina's eyes widen in horror. "Oh, my God! Are they okay?"

There is silence on the other end of the phone.

"Garcia! Are they okay?!?"

"Lina... they're the shooters."

Approximately twenty minutes later, the whole team is on the jet.

"I can't believe they would do this," Lina sobs and I put my arm around her.

"We'll figure this out." I comfort her.

"Yang, if you want, you can sit out on this case," Hotch says kindly.

"No." Lina sniffles. "I need to know why they're doing this. They're good people."

JJ comes over to Lina. "Yang, do you recognize these people?" She shows her pictures of two teen boys and girls.

Lina furrows her eyebrows. "Those were my foster siblings. They were younger than me." She takes the picture in her hands. "Daniel, Marko, Grace, and Tonia—are they okay?"

"The Russells adopted them 5 years ago, and now they're, um.... They're helping with the shooting."

"They're only in their teens!" Lina wails, buries her face in my chest.

"From security footage, they've killed over 20 civilians so far and 10 security guards." JJ sighs. "They've locked down the mall and aren't letting anyone in or out.... I'm so sorry, Yang." She puts a comforting hand on Lina's shoulder.

"I-I feel like I could've done something."

"Lina, there's no way you would've known." I stroke her hair.

"Wait, no." She sits up straight, her eyes widening. "Oh, my God...."

"What? What is it?" Rossi leans forward in his seat.

"I just remembered something." Lina scratches her neck. "Back then, I would take on part time jobs so I wasn't home often, but the kids would always tell me about how our foster parents would teach them how to use guns or attack people. I never believed them because they were so young, so I thought they were making things up."

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