Chapter 35: Déjà vu

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Lina's POV

One month later.

For the past month, Spencer has been staying at my apartment, helping me with everything. I'm still surprised when he told me he was my boyfriend back at the hospital. I mean, he is incredibly attractive—his perfect wavy hair, big puppy eyes, and a smile that makes my heart flutter every time.

Even though I still don't really know who he is, I can tell that he's a nice person. He writes down special memories we had together on cards and sticks them on the walls for me to read. My favourite one is when we apparently had our first kiss.

"Lina?" Spencer calls from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" I walk over to him where he's cooking—actually, more like burning—something in the pan.

"I'm making scrambled eggs. Do you want some?" He looks at the charred mess in the pan.

"Uh..." I don't want to hurt his feelings by saying no. "I-I'm not really that hungry." I give him an awkward smile.

"I'm not a very good cook." He laughs, taking his apron off and flinging it over his shoulder. He leans against the counter and crosses his arms, grinning at me.

God that is hot. I blush and clear my throat. "That's alright."

"If you want..." Spencer begins. "Would you like to, um, go out on a date with me tonight?"

"Oh, uh...." I look at him unsurely. Of course I would love to go on a date with all that handsomeness, but I've only technically known him for about a month. Even though according to him we've been dating for over a year.

"You know what, it's fine...." Spencer looks sad.

"No, let's go." I put a hesitant hand on his arm.

He brightens up again. "Oh, great! Where do you want to go?"

I stare at him. "Um...."

"Oh, that's right. You don't remember any places...." He scratches the back of his head. "How about the Korean place that I took you to on our first date?"

I nod, remembering that he wrote it on a card. "Yeah, sure."

"Wonderful!" He slowly leans closer to my face. "Is it okay if I...?"

"Mhm." I close my eyes as he gently kisses my forehead. When he does so, a memory flashes through my mind.


"You ready to meet my mom?" Spencer asks nervously as he starts the car.

"Of course," I reply, smiling. "How do I look?" I'm wearing a white sweater with blue jeans, and the purple scarf that I picked yesterday.

Spencer gently kisses my forehead. "Beautiful."


I gasp and pull back from Spencer, looking at him. "Spencer...."

"What is it?" he asks, "did I do something wrong?"

"N-no. I think I remembered something."

Spencer's eyes widens. "Really? What? What did you remember?"

"We were visiting your mom and I asked you how I looked..."

He nods excitedly. "Yeah! And then?"

"Y-y-you said I looked b-beautiful and you kissed my forehead," I stutter like a complete idiot.

"Oh, my God, you remember!" He wraps his arms around my frame and lifts me up, spinning me around the kitchen.

"Ahhh! Spencer!" I giggle with delight.

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