Chapter 41: The Disneyland massacre

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Lina's POV

Six months later.

It's been half a year since Spencer proposed to me, and honestly, I can't wait to marry him. I guess he feels the same way since we practically started planning our wedding immediately after our engagement.

Just then, Garcia comes up to my desk. "Hi, cupcake!"

I smile friendly at her. "Hey, PG. What's up?"

"I was wondering when you're going dress shopping...?" She looks at me with big eyes.

"Uhhh...." The truth is, I didn't even think about it. Since it's a small ceremony with just close friends I wasn't even going to buy a wedding dress.

Garcia rolls her eyes and grabs me by the arm, dragging me to where Prentiss and JJ are chatting. Clearing her throat, she announces, "Listen up, ladies! We're going wedding dress shopping with Lina next weekend!"

JJ claps excitedly. "Yay!!!"

"Count me in!" Prentiss grins.

"Woah, guys." I put a hand up to stop them. "I'm not getting a dress. It's just a small ceremony, no need to spend that much money." I look down at my engagement ring. "Besides, Spencer already spent a fortune on this ring, so I want to keep our budget low for the wedding."

My three friends stare at me with their eyebrows raised and arms crossed.

I sigh. "I'm not getting out of this, am I?"

"Nope." JJ smirks.

"Fineeee," I say, exasperated. Suddenly, someone taps on my shoulder. I turn around and see Spencer sipping on his coffee.

"What are you guys talking about?" He smiles and I immediately get lost in his beautiful eyes.

"Hi, darling." I go on my tippy toes to peck his cheek.

"We're going dress shopping with your fiancée next weekend," replies Prentiss.

"I said I didn't want to," I explain, "but they kinda insisted...."

Spencer looks surprised. "Why not?"

I sigh and look up at him. "You already gave me this expensive ring, I don't want to—"

He takes my chin in between his fingers and tilts my head up. "Nuh-uh. It's your wedding day. I want you to enjoy yourself."

"It's our wedding day."

"Okay. Our wedding day...." Spencer breathes softly, turning us around so his back is facing Garcia, JJ, and Prentiss. Then he bends down to kiss me, a bit rougher than usual. When he pulls back, he gently bites on my lower lip and tugs.

Garcia clears her throat. "We're still here, y'know."

He winks at me before walking away.

I turn back to the girls, feeling light-headed. I have to put my hand on a desk to stabilize myself. "Whooo!"

JJ's raises her eyebrows. "Wow. I never knew Spence had that side of him."

My face gets hot. "He's a really good kisser," I say and we all chuckle.

Just then, we are interrupted by Hotch. "I hate to interrupt, but we got a case. We'll brief on the jet." His eyes flicker down to my mouth before walking away.

I turn to JJ. "Is there something on my mouth?"

She smirks. "Nope. Just red from when you and Spence got all kissy-faced."

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