Chapter 43: Yes to the dress

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Lina's POV

One week later.

"How about this one?" Garcia throws another dress at my face.

I grab it and my jaw drops. The dress is black and has a super deep plunge neck, it also has a transparent bodice with a flowery lace design. And the length.... The length of it looks like it would probably only cover up half my ass. In other words, it looks like something a stripper would wear. "Uhhhh... is this even a wedding dress???"

"This used to be a lingerie shop," Garcia answers, "so it's probably from leftover stocks."

"Ooooh!" Prentiss claps her hand together. "Try it on!"

My eyes widen in horror. "Nooooo!"

JJ rolls her eyes and pushes me into the changing room. "It's not gonna kill you."

Before I can protest any more, JJ closes the door on me and I sigh. "Here goes nothing." I take off my hoodie and shorts and slip on the dress. It has a corset so I lace it up tightly. Looking in the mirror, I'm relieved to see that the dress is a bit longer than I initially thought. But the plunge neck is so deep, nearly exposing my whole chest. Taking a deep breath, I step out of the changing room to show the girls.

"Linaaaaa!!!" Garcia squeals.

"You look hot." Prentiss nods approvingly.

JJ smiles mischievously. "Take a picture and send it to Spencer!"

I blush. "Absolutely not!"

"Fine. Then just one picture, for us."

I sigh. "Oh, alright." Fluffing my hair up, I try to think of a good pose to do. I decide to lean against the doorframe, arching my back and raising my arms over my head.

JJ snaps the picture with a silly grin on her face. "Spencer's gonna love this."

"What?!?" I lunge at her trying to grab her phone but she's quicker than me. Before I know it, she hits send.

"Oops," she says with a sly grin.

"JJ!!!" I pull my hair in frustration. Just then, her phone pings and I dread that it's Spencer.

"Oh, he replied."

"Tell us what it says!" Prentiss exclaims and I groan.

JJ furrows her brows. "He said, 'Ummm....'."

Garcia rolls her eyes. "That's it?"

I smirk. "See, Spence isn't into that kind of stuff. And neither am I."

"You guys are boring," JJ teases.

"Yeah, yeah." I go back to the change room to get out of this hideous thing.

"Aw, you're not keeping it?" Prentiss pouts as I come out.

I chuckle. "No. Now can we just quickly pick out an actual dress so we can go home? I want to hit the gym before I take a shower later."

"Okay fineee." Prentiss pulls out a dress from the rack that immediately catches my eye. "How about this one?"

I grin. "I might just say yes to the dress."

Two hours later, we finish picking the dress and we agree to keep it at Prentiss' place so Spencer doesn't see it, since I want to keep it a surprise from him. With that, I drive home, feeling kind of nervous to face Spencer after JJ sent that picture to him. As I unlock the door to our apartment, my heart is pounding.

"Lina, is that you?" Spencer's voice shouts from the bedroom.

"Y-yeah!" I yell back, making my way to him.

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