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Saeko bought a cake from the bakery you've learned to love after hating their food at first. She hurriedly ran out of the shop after getting what she wanted and got in her car, she drove until she reached the house you both shared.

With a smile, she put a candle in the middle and lit it up before opening the door and walked towards you, "Happy birthday to you~" She sang, she continued the song until she reached right in front of you and placed the cake down on the table.

"Ah! Don't blow it out yet, there's still a few more." Smiling, she quickly shuffled to the kitchen, opened the fridge and took out sweets that you like as well as ones that you've never tried before and gone back to the table and set it down in front of you.

She grabbed two drinks and she then sat in front of you with a gift,

"I know I've already said it before but, I love you. I love you so much, Yn, so I hope you accept this. I'm not sure what to say, but the gift should probably have said a lot. After I met you, one of my plans in life was to live with you in a house far from mine and your hometown. Another one was to marry you, another was to do a lot of things with you; hiking, probably going on vacation, getting lost somewhere, kayaking, cuddle with you, kiss and all those but..."

Saeko stopped, her smile fading as thoughts and realizations start to flood her head. Tears dropped and sobs could be heard from her,

"I'm sorry, I just remembered how you said back then that we'd make today our anniversary, your birthday. Back then, you gave me a promise ring but also called it a wedding ring, you really loved me huh?"

Nobody said a word, her face started to turn sour and more tears dropped. Finally, after gathering all her courage, she looked up to you.

It was a sad sight to see from a third person's point of view. A girl who loved Saeko was now only kept in a picture frame. A big smile on her face as she showed off the ring on her ring finger, made Saeko cry and feel hurt to the point where it becomes harder to breathe and harder to describe what she felt.

Saeko started to remember everything from the past that she wanted to forget about and continue with this life where she pretended you were there with her and took you on many dates and places. Sending photos of herself and landscapes to your number, calling you multiple times only to be left on voicemail which made her sad every time and realizes what she was doing but still continued anyway.

She wanted to forget about that day you confessed to her because she pushed you away. You really thought she liked you back and you promised yourself that you would immediately leave her alone if she ever refuses you once more but you tried again, again and again.

That day when she finally acknowledged your feelings and started to feel the same way, you were gone from this world. Saeko could only smile, not because she was happy about it but because she couldn't accept it, fooling herself into thinking you were there with her still.

She could only smile because just a few minutes before she heard the news, she was happy with the fact that she finally liked you back.

Saeko looked from your picture, down to the table, and sighed, "What am I doing?" She asked herself. It happened many years ago, and she has done this in those years and realized but never did she thought much about it. She felt guilty, she still felt like she caused your death.

Her eyes darted from your picture to the food then to the gift she gave in front of the picture frame. It was a ring, an expensive one that she saved up to buy. You liked that ring and promised her that you would buy it and have Saeko use it as her wedding ring but instead, Saeko bought it... for you.

Her nose started to tingle before tears flowed once more. She wanted you to be there with her, but you couldn't. She tried many times to make herself disappear, only to be caught by her brother and friends and get scolded like crazy for it and monitored every day for a month and offered help multiple times.

She only stayed in front of the food, not eating any of them or drinking any of the drinks since they were supposed to be for you. It was another batch of food that she'd eat the day after and then not eat for three days.

As she stayed on the ground with her legs crossed, she let her salty tears get to the drinks but she didn't mind. Her head was filled with you like every other day, but this one made her sad.

She decided to take her phone out, she realized what she was doing again but decided to tap on your number anyway.

"It's Yn, uhh, I'm probably busy so call back later I guess?" The voicemail sent, a beep followed, meaning Saeko had to send to voicemail whatever she wanted to say. Instead of saying anything, she only cried and screamed.

- a/n
i love writing angst but if i write it too much, the same concept repeats and it gets boring anyways i proofread this and it started to become dry so- yeah that's that

anyways this was inspired by an animation on tiktok and the galaxy is endless (kuroken), i'm not sure who made it and i can't see where it is cause i didn't save it but if you've seen an animation of a girl walking in their house with cake on tiktok, then it's probably that-

also, 13K???? hello????? this??? book???? THANK YOU???!$/&/ ily all sm it makes me want to cry

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