Chapter 4

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Voice:- Riddhima!

Both the ladies looked in that direction.

It was Vansh glaring at Riddhima with anger in his eyes.

He approached both of them

V:- how dare you Riddhima? How dare you hit my sister?

R:- she was talking rubbish about me and-

He cut her in middle

V:- so what? This is not the first time she badmouthed you. Why did you hit her now?

Ishani started her melodrama

I:- bhai! See how she slapped me? It is paining bhai

R:- Ishani stop this nonsense.

Vansh caugh Riddhima's arm and started dragging her towards the stairs to take her downstairs.

But when he reached the stairs, Riddhima's arm slipped out of his hand and she fell rolling on the stairs.

She rolled down and felt immense pain in her stomach.

She shouted loudly

R:- ahhhhhh!

Vansh stood shocked, analyzing what just happened.

Hearing shouts, the family came outside to witness a shocking sight-
Riddhima holding her stomach and crying.

None of them came forward.

Angre who understood partially what might have happened, quickly rushed towards Riddhima and lifted her and left for the hospital.

Vansh and everyone followed him.

At the hospital

Riddhima was taken inside. Vansh was roaming restlessly outside.

The doctor came.

V:- doctor what happened? My wife and child both are safe right?

D:- mr. raisinghania. The patient is stable now but we couldn't save the child.

Vansh was shocked.

D:- and also the fall has affected her badly. She got some internal injuries due to which she cannot become a mother in future.

This came as a shocker to everyone present there.

Vansh was utterly devastated. No one felt bad for Riddhima except Angre.

Later, when Vansh entered Riddhima's ward, she became furious and shouted on him and asked him to get out. Vansh went away.

Riddhima broke down badly and caressed her tummy where once her child used to be.

I know this update would break your hearts but had to do it. No flying chappals pls.
But I wanted to write a story where Riddhima is accepted by someone with all her flaws and not just becoz she was pregnant. I had to do it for the story.
And obviously she would leave these monsters within 2-3 parts.

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