Chapter 18

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Hello guys. Sorry for not updating for a week. My online classes started and I got busy. Also pls read the author's note at the end and tell your opinion.



Samar calmed down Riddhima. This was not settling well with Vansh. He was burning with jealousy by seeing their closeness.
He was gritting his teeth.

After she calmed down, she again turned towards Vansh.

R:- pls. Go away from my life. Let me live in peace.

V:- Riddhima pls. I cant live without you.

R:- then die. Go to hell. I dont give a damn about you. Whatever you do, I'm not coming to you. So get lost.

He angrily marches towards her and grips her wrist tight. She hisses in pain.
Samar gets angry. He pushes Vansh with such force that he falls on ground and glares him to death.

Vansh gets up and moves towards him but Riddhima blocks his way.

R:- dont you dare. Keep your hand to yourself.

Suddenly someone's voice interrupts them.

Ishu:- mumma!

She runs to Riddhima and hugs her.

R:- what are you doing here beta. Go and sleep.

Ishu:- haw. Everyday you pester me to wake up and today you are asking me to go and sleep?

R:- yes. Today is a holiday for you right. Pakhi, go put her to sleep.

Pakhi takes Ishika and goes to her room.

While vansh stood clueless about the small interaction.

Van:- Riddhima! Who is that girl?

R:- my daughter and you dont need to know about her.

Ishani:- wow Riddhima. You are so shameless. You have a daughter. You have cheated on my bhai.

R:- see who's talking about shame. The same girl who got impregnated before marriage. So shut your damn mouth before I loose my cool.

Van:- Riddhima. She's my daughter isn't she. That means you have told me lies.

R:- oh just shut up. Everything in this world doesnt concern you. Ishika is not your daughter. I really lost my child. I thank god for not giving us a child. Because you are a monster.
So get out from my house.

She held his arm and threw him out of her house.


Hello guys. In the last part majority of people wanted Vansh to be free and regret his decision. So that will be applied.

Also I was thinking to make Riddhima pregnant. She deserves some happiness. What say?. If you guys agree, I have an idea and will pen it down. Otherwise will go with my original idea.

So pls vote and tell your opinion.

See you soon
Stay safe❤😷

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