Chapter 7

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Same night
At midnight 2

R:- samar! Samar! Wake up

Sam:- what is it Riddhu?

R:- I am not getting sleep

Sam:- so what should I do.

R:- let's talk

Sam:- what should we talk.

R:- about our last 5 years?

Sam:- ok

5 years before

After leaving the vr mansion Riddhima took a train to ahmedabad. While she was travelling her mind was occupied with various thoughts.

Riddhima's pov:-

Finally I am free. I am free from those monsters. I realised that my decisions about love were always wrong. I am going to start my new life. Anyways warden aunty told that her brother has a house in ahmedabad so I can live there. Before going to vr mansion I had started pediatrics course. Only some tests then I will get my license. I can live happily.

End of pov

She reached ahmedabad and stood in front of her new house. It was locked. The owner had called her and told her to take the keys from the neighbours. She went and knocked the door. SHAH FAMILY read the name plate. Anupamaa opened the door and greeted her

Anu:- jai shri krishna beta! Tum...

R:- namaste! Ji mein Riddhima. Your neighbour. Mr. Bhatt has asked me to take the house keys from you.

Anu:- oh! Come in. Have some coffee

R:- ok aunty.

She goes in. Everyone in the hall look at her confused.

Anu:- she is Riddhima. She is living in mr.bhatt's house. She came today itself

Van:- oh! Come beta. Sit.

Riddhima sits. Anupamaa gets her coffee. She finishes the coffee, takes the keys and leaves.

As the days pass by, Riddhima and the Shah's bonded very quickly. Riddhima was now like a family member to them.

But Anupamaa saw an undefined pain in Riddhima's eyes. Her doubt confirmed when one day she went to Riddhima's house to give her some sweet. She saw some anti-depressants on the table. She thought to ask her.

The next day when Riddhina came to their house, she asked her directly in front of everyone. Riddhima broke down and told everything to them as she felt them as family.

They felt sad for her. From that day, they started spending major part of the day with her and made sure she was not addicted to those pills.

They became very close that Riddhima started calling Vanraj and Anupamaa as ''mom'' and ''dad''.

In between these 3 months, Samar felt some weird attraction towards Riddhima but couldn't express it.

Then one fine day, Kinjal told everyone that she is pregnant. This was a super happy news for everyone.

Riddhima started taking special care of Kinjal so as to make sure she and the baby was safe. In between she got her pediatric licence and started her practice.

Days and months were flying away.

After 6 months....

Precap:- continuation of flashback

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