Chapter 9

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Warning:- Pls bear if any of the topics covered in the story are illogical. It was necessary as per the storyline.

Kinjal:- ahhhhhh!

Everyone went to kinjal concerned.

R:- bhabhi what happened?

K:- its paining badly

Anu:- I guess her labour pains started.

All were worried because it was heavily raining on that day and there was no way they could reach the hospital before 2 hours.

Kinjal was screaming in pain.

They were trying to calm her down but in vain.

Pari:- there is no other way. No ambulance is ready to come. Riddhu you have to do the delivery.

Riddhima and others were shocked.

R:- bhai I cant do this. I'm a pediatrician not a gynecologist. I cant risk bhabhi and the baby's life.

Anu:- toshu is right beta. We have no other choice.

R:- but maa I cant risk their lives.

Paritosh:- Riddhu you have to do it. I trust you. You can do it. Anyways maa will also help.

Riddhu was thinking.

Sam:- riddhu soch kya rahi hein(what are you thinking)

Suddenly Kinjal starts shouting more loudly.
This panicks everyone

R:- ok I will do it.

All the men go out.

Riddhima quickly gets her phone and dials her colleague, a gynecologist's number and explains her the situation.

She starts giving instructions to Riddhima to perform the delivery.

R:- bhabhi dont loose consciousness. Keep pushing bhabhi

K:- I cant riddhu. It's very painful.

R:- it's nothing in front of the joy bhabhi. Think about your baby. You are doing this for you baby bhabhi. Keep pushing.

Finally after a lot of struggle, a loud cry was erupted in the room. Riddhima took the baby in her hands and told Kinjal:
    It's a girl bhabhi

Saying that she told Kinjal to take rest and took the baby with her outside.

As she came outside everyone were ecstatic. Toshu had tears of happiness in his eyes

R:- congratulations bhai! An angel came to our house. You've got your princess.

Everyone took the baby turn by turn.

Toshu held Riddhima's hand

Paritosh:- thank you so much Riddhu. You have saved my wife and daughter.
I'm very thankful to you.

R:- bhai what are you saying. I did it for my family. You are my bhai. I can do anything for you all.

Toshu hugged her. Everyone adored their bond.

The next day, both Kinjal and the baby were taken to the hospital for checkup and fortunately everything was fine.

Everyone were happy to have a lakshmi in their home. She was welcomed grandly into the house.

Kinjal and the baby were given lots of love and care. The baby brought more joy to their house.

The baby was treated like a princess. She was the apple of everyone's eyes.

It was 25 days since their angel came into their house. It was her naming ceremony today.

There was a lot of hustle and bustle in the house. The house was decorated beautifully. Their princess was indeed looking a princess today.

The Pandit came and the rituals started

Pandit:- what have you decided to name your daughter?

Van:- ha ha tell. We are also very eager to know our princess's name.

K:- papa we are not going to decide the name.

Pakhi:- but why

Paritosh:- because the name will be decided by her Riddhima chachi.

Riddhima was overwhelmed

R:- but bhai it is your right so why me...

K:- riddhu, it is because of you that she is with us. You also have a right on her

Paritosh:- Kinjal is right Riddhu.

Riddhima took the baby in her arms and said Ishika.

Everyone liked the name.

Pandit:- all right from today the girl's name is Ishika.

Everyone rejoiced and celebrated the moment.

Guys this is not fair. Views are in 700's and votes not even reaching 100. Pls vote. It really encourages and helps to know whether you are liking the story or not.
See you soon❤

Sorry sorry yesterday I published it bymistake. So deleted it and as per I told earlier publishing it today

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