Chapter 15

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R:- Hello!

Other side:- Hello! Riddhima?

R:- hmm

Os:- what a surprise! You have called me? Any problem?

R:- yes Angre (It was Angre who Riddhima called). Today I met Vansh.

Ang:- what? How is it possible? You are in Ahmedabad right?

( actually after sngre left the Raisinghania's, he investigated about Riddhima and found her number. He called her and enquired about her and was happy that she has moved on)

R:- yeah. But now I am scared. I dont want him in my life now. I know he will enquire about him. I want you to mislead him and make sure he doesnt find out about me. Can you do it. Pls

Ang:- sure Riddhima. You dont worry.

They hung up the call. Riddhima got a message from Samar that he arrived to pick her up.

She packed her stuff and went to him.

By seeing her face he sensed that something was wrong.

Sam:- what happened Riddhu? Anything wrong?

R:- no. I'm just a bit tired. Now go fast.

She covered up but he knew that it was a lie. But nevertheless he drives her to home.

As soon as she entered, Ishu jumped on her and hugged her tight.

Then she freshened up and went in to the kitchen to help Anupama.

She was cutting vegetables but was thinking about Vansh. Suddenly her finger got cut.

R:- ah!

Anupama saw this.

Anu:- oh god. Where are you lost Riddhima?

Hearing this everyone came into the kitchen.

Anupama was cleaning the wound
Everyone was scolding her. But it was their love for her.

Van:- what do you do beta? You should be careful right.

Sam:- kaha ka careful papa. She is just like a child. Infact, Children are better than her.

Ishu:- mumma are you feeling pain.

Seeing their care, Riddhima burst in to tears. Everyone was tense.

Sam:- what happened? Ok sorry I wont scold you.

Anu:- Samar you have no brains. See now she is crying.

Riddhima composed herself.

Soon it was night.

Riddhima was still scared.

What if Vansh tries to harm her family? No she cant afford that.

Samar who came into the room saw her in thoughts.

Sam:- what happened riddhu? Since you came from camp you are dull? Did something happen there?

Suddenly Riddhima hugged him

R:- I'm scared samar.

Sam:- why? What happened?

R:- today I met Vansh. I'm scared that what if he separates us.

Samar cupped her face and said:- Riddhima no power in the world can seperate us. We are inseparable. Keep one thing in your mind. He is not tha same VR. He has no power with him. He cant harm us. Now be rest assured and have a peaceful sleep.

She nodded and slept.


That's it guys. Pls vote and comment.

Also, the second chapter of 'My Moonlight' will be updated by tomorrow evening.

See you soon
Stay safe❤😷

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