Disclaimer and Introduction

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of the characters but i do own the plot. 

All Characters belong to Stephenie Meyer!!! 

This story is a love story between Bella & Carlisle Cullen. It is just for fun as I love the twilight series and would like to give this a try for my first work. 

Please feel free to comment with any advice that you have as this is my first story. 

This will be updated at least once a fortnight probably more just depends on assessments for school as I am completing my HSC as I am writing this so if updates are late I am sorry but school is more important but I will try to update at least once on a regular fortnightly basis. 

WARNING!! This story may contain sexual references and scenes later on so please be aware of the content. 

Bella and Carlisle CullenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora