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Edward POV

As I run out the door I am not even to the woods when I hear Bella tumbling down the stairs. I turn on the spot and run back through the door. I race over to find my Bella, unconscious in Alice's arms. "Carlisle!! Will she bo okay?" I yelled as I grabbed her hand. He was frozen, in place and his eyes had started to go black. As Emse grabbed his hands he seemed to regain control. Maybe his real mate was coming into town. He rushed to our side. 

"She will be fine, she should regain consciousness shortly" Carlisle says. I try reading his mind, but all I can come up with is measurements for the IV and thoughts of Esme. I feel like he is hiding something. I turn to Esme's mind hers is full of concern for Bella and her health. Rose is annoyed as usual, Emmett concern for Bella and Rose. Alice is trying to see if Bella is going to be okay and Jasper. What? Why does he feel someone having love towards Bella. He notices me and the emotions soon change. Emse, that is who is feeling love surely. I mean for some reason she classes Bella as a daughter. I mean I don't love her, I just want her blood. After all my Mate is living with the Denali's till I sort this out. 

Jasper looks at me, sensing my feelings. I immediately act concerned for Bella. He eases up. I relax and only to notice the blackening of Carlisle's eyes again. Esme is quick to his side and calms him quickly. As calm as he is he darts from the room. I assume that he is following the pull to his mate, after all it is all most impossible to resist. 

Carlisle POV

How dare her touch my mate. Even if all he is doing is holding her hand. I can't stand to sit here and watch this. I feel her beginning to regain consciousness. I look into Esme's eyes and Edward has noticed that mine are black. I run from the room, trying to get out of the reach of Edward's powers. When I know that I am safe my thoughts are all let out. I hate going this far away from MY BELLA, MY MATE and leaving her near that monster I call my Son that I know is just waiting for the chance to suck her dry. 

I here her voice, ever so faintly. I made sure to stay within range to hear her. As I sit by the river I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders. I turn to see the Esme and her beautiful golden eyes. She sits beside me just holding me as I dry sob, longing for my mate. She lifts my chin to look into her eyes and motions for me to follow her to the house. She is screaming, my Bella screaming. What is causing her pain... We enter back in the room to find Bella still on the floor clutching her wrist. 

I walk calmly over to her. She holds her wrist for me to examine, I can tell straight away it is broken. I feel Edward behind me. Can he feel the pull? He asks me to follow him outside, I look at him confused. As we walk out the door he asks "Carlisle is Esme your mate? I can read Jasper's mind and know what he feels. He is feeling a strong pull for you. Aren't you and Esme mates?" Confusion filling his eyes. Calmly I reply "No Esme and I are not mates, we have always known. Yes that pull you feel is my mate, she must be arriving into town soon." 

"Ooh, congratulations Carlisle! I am sorry to pry but I was very confused." He says as he bolts back to the house, me close on his heels. 

Bella and Carlisle CullenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora