She has woken!

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Carlisle POV

I stand quietly, patiently waiting for my love to wake. I hear her heart pick up. I turn as her eyes flick open. She sits up and gazes around the room. She spots Charlie. She seems confused by hearing a faint heartbeat, that is Charlies as being only half vampire he still has a heart beat although softer than normal. She begins gazing at her hands and then she spots me. Instantly she is at my side. She warps her arms around me and pulls my lips to hers. Now the pull is even stronger than before. She turns back to Charlie who is smiling at us.

She seems puzzled by his smiling. She gasps at Emse entering and wrapping her arms around Charlie. Everyone turns to her, her face face filled with shock and confusion. Imediatley she says "What happend? How long was I out? Where is..." Esme and Charlie cut her off. "Bella, don't I get a hug! You won't hurt me." Charlie says as she walks to him and hugs him, "Bella, My Love, you need to hunt. We can explain everything when you are finished." I say as I geab her hand and we head to the door.

As we are running through the forest she spots a large mountain lion. Before I even realise she has drained the lion of it's blood. She is about to go to my side when she smells something, I smell it to. That scent ever so familiar, yet so despised by every inch of my being. She took off running and quickly I followed. My body filling anger the closer I got. She reached a clearing and now she stopped I was catching up. As I reacher the clearing I saw him, the man I once considered my son. Beside him was a red haired woman I could only assume was his mate, Victoria I think is her name. His eyes locked on my mate. His eyes filled with shock as he saw her, alive. He took a step closer to her as I reached her side and gave out a deep growl. Warning him to stay back.

Bella and Carlisle CullenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora