The truth?

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Bella POV

I am sitting on the ground as Edward and Carlisle run back through the door. In seconds Carlisle is at Esme's side and Edward at mine. I am happy that Edward is here with me, but I would far rather Carlisle be at my side. Stop, why would you even think that Bella. He is the father of your boyfriend, he is married. You can't think these things. I look around and notice Jasper is staring at me, I immediately change my emotions to concern about my wrist.

Jasper quickly eases up. I feel a pair of cold arms wrap themselves around me and sure enough it is Edward. He helps me up and Alice says she organised for me to spent the weekend here, she is so nice, I think we will be great friends. Carlise and Alice offer to drive me home to get some clothes, of course I agree, after all I do need clothes plus a trip with Carlisle how could I not want that. Serioulsy Bella stop thinking like that.

The drive feels like it takes forever, although it doesn't take very long as Carlisle is driving at vampire speed. Probably so he can get back home sooner to his gorgeous mate, Esme. Why on Earth am I so jealous that they are together, I mean they are married, and are mates and have been for longer than I have been alive. I can see my house out the window, finally we are here. Alice jumps out with me and we head to the door. Charlie isn't home, he works late a lot lately.

As I get to my room Alice has a grin ear to ear. "What are you smiling about?" I ask. She looked quickly to the window where on the branch of the nearby tree was Carlisle. His eyes were a deep black and they were locked onto me. "Alice! What is wrong with him?" I asks my voice filled with concern, for both my own safety and for Carlise. She begins talking as she walks to the window. "His eyes are black because he is wanting to claim his mate." As she opens the window before I can even speak he is at my side holding my hand tightly, but not enough to stop me wriggling away.

I dart as fast as I can to Alice's side and hide myself behind her. "Alice! Is he confused? Esme isn't here." I say as he slowly moves across the room. "No he is not at all confused Bella. You are his mate and now he has meet you it will be almost impossible to hide it." she says as calmly as possible trying not to scare me. "Alice how long have you known?" I ask still hiding behind her whilst looking at his perfect marble skin and deep black eyes.

"I have known since the first day we met you, I didn't tell anyone because after I saw you Edward realised you are his singer and started to fall for you. Up until that point I hadn't realised that Carlisle and Esme were not mates. I am soo sorry for not telling you sooner Bella."

"I accept your apology Alice, but how do I stop him from acting...." before I could even finish Carlisle had picked me up in his arms and was holding my face so close to his. As I looked into his black eyes he leant forward to kiss me, I moved my head away and his eyes snapped back to their usual golden colour. He had a very shy smile and quickly put me down, but before he could I leaned in and wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled his lips to mine and there were sparks. Not like those with Edward and I, these were amazing. The only thing that stopped us was Alice making a fake coughing sound.

Bella and Carlisle CullenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora