Can I really do this with him?

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Bella POV

He stops at Carlisle's low growl. She looks at me her eyes filled with confusion and rage. I can't believe after everything he has done he chooses to come back here. I could feel the anger building as I let out a growl that startled everyone, including myself. Her eyes still locked on me as she begins to lunge forward before Edward pulls her back. "She's a newborn, don't you will get killed." he whispers to her knowing I can hear. He turns from her and looks over to Carlisle. "How could you do this to me? To Esme? Choose her over us?" Carlisle begins to growl "She is my mate! You tried to kill her! Esme found her mate and is happy! Who do you think you are coming back here after everything you have done!" He yells as he moves in front of me ready to lunge at him. 

I grab his arm and feel a calming presence, Jasper. I look into Edward's eyes that are filled with shock. I turn to see everyone. Including Charlie, even Rosalie is here. I here growls from all of them as Edward and his mate turn running away. A piece of paper is left where they were. While everyone heads back I grab it. I feel strong arms wrapped around my waist. Then a couple kisses on my neck as I am spun around in his arms. He pulls me into a kiss and runs his tounge along my bottom lip. I pull away, "Carlisle, not here." he gives a little pout, "race you home". He takes off running. 

As I follow behind I know where this is going. I don't know if I am ready, if I can do this especially now. I want to try though. I need him now more than ever. I speed up to catch him. When I reach him he is standing at the end of his bed, our bed. I go to his side as he pulls me into another kiss, again running his tounge on my bottom lip. He runs one hand through my hair, the other pulling me close to him. His tounge now sitting on my lip waiting for entry. I let him in were we now battle for dominance. I run my hands through his hair as he pulls me onto the bed, rolling himself on top of me. I battle with myself in my mind. Eventually I decide to continue, I need him. Clearly he needs me. He runs his hand down my back eliciting a moan. I feel him grin with pleasure. 

Bella and Carlisle CullenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora