He what?

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Bella POV

As Carlisle begins to open the box, I feel butterflies fill my stomach. He pulls me up from the couch and grabs my hand. He places the box in my hand. "This is for you my love, I hope you like it." he says as he watches me slowly lift the lid of the box. I open it to find a turquoise heart on a silver chain. I look at him in awe and rather puzzled. "What is this for?" I ask looking at him extremely puzzled. "I brought it as a gift for you my love, do you not like it?" He says looking kind of sad. "Ooh, no Carlisle I love it, would you put it on for me?" I say hoping to cheer him up, after all I do love it. "Of course love." he says as he gets up removing the necklace from its box and places it around my neck. 

I look down at it and smile as he kisses my cheek. I pull him into my arms as I feel a calm wave washing over me. Alice bolts down the stairs followed by Jasper. She has venomous tears in her eyes. "What is it Alice?" Carlisle asks as he lets me go. "Edward, he is on his way home. He's leaving. He wants to get rid of Bella and be with his true mate. Victoria." she says looking at me with an apologetic look. "He What!!!!" I scream as I walk to the door. As I reach the door he arrives. 

"Bella, I have something to tell you. In private." he says calmly stairing at me. He turns and walks to the edge of the river. "Bella, we are over. I am not meant to be with you, I found my mate. I am leaving Carlisle and the family and moving to live with the Denali's. I'm sor..." I don't even let him finish before I start my rage filled rant. "Your leaving! Your mate, you mean Victoria!! That nomad that passed through 2 years ago and you really expect me to believe you only just found out Edward! Alice told me what she saw. You are really going to do this to Carlisle and Esme after everything they have done for you! Ooh and don't even think about saying sorry! I know that you were only with me for my blood, I am your "singer"! Yep Alice told me that to!" Before I can continue yelling he cuts me off. 

"I know you know. So now you can't stay!" I can't even scream before he has my wrist in his mouth and I feel myself loosing consciousness. The last thing I can see is Carlise pushing Edward into a near by tree before he takes off yelling at Carlisle. As I black out I assume that he knows about Carlisle and I. Death is easy, peaceful. I lay motionless, I can hear everything, words are all sounds to me. I feel my heart it is beating fast. I can feel a cold hand in one of mine, a warm one in the other. My eyes flutter. I see a figure that appears to be Charlie and the other I can't make out, but I know it is one of the Cullens. Well it could be all but one of them. 

Bella and Carlisle CullenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora