Tell me!

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Warning!!! Mature Content in this chapter!! Smut (well kinda, also badly written)!!

Bella POV

As I lay on the bed, I feel a tingling sensation as Carlisle runs his hands down my perfect marble skin. He puts his mouth to my neck slowly planting kisses until he finds the one place that causes me to moan his name. I feel his lips form a smile as he continues to kiss and nip at the spot. Slowly he begins kissing down my body reaching my breasts, gently sucking on each before moving further down. He leaves a trail of kisses down my stomach as he now moves his head between my thighs. He slowly begins licking and rubbing as we hear a loud crash.

We quickly dress ourselves and run to where the noise came from, only to find Esme, Charlie, Jasper, Alice and Rosalie standing around a very distraught Emmett. If it were possible you would say he had been crying. He looked so miserable, like someone had just turned his entire world upside down. I could see everyone was just as concerned as me, "Emmett, just tell us what happened? Are you okay?" Asked a rather concerned Rosalie. "Nothing, nothin okay I am fine." Emmett said obviously lying to ease Rosalie's mind, everyone could tell by Jasper's face. "Tell me Emmett please" Rosalie commented her voice almost inaudible. "Why can't you all just leave me alone. It is my problem, no one else can fix it!" He yelled angrily as he raced out the door towards the woods.

Shocked we all stood there until we noticed Rosalie, slowly and quietly head to their room. Her face showing how shattered she was. Emmett was never like this, he never lied or kept secrets. What could possibly be wrong.  

Sorry it is such a short chapter, all will be explained in my authors note that follows.

Bella and Carlisle CullenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora