The first night!

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Bella POV 

Once I finish talking to Alice and Esme, I head to the large kitchen where Carlisle is standing by a large bowl of Italian Pasta and the table has two seats and candles. "What is all this?" I ask wondering why he is doing this, I am already his. It is nice to see him work for me though. "It is a special dinner for you, My Love." He replys grinning from ear to ear. He sets my place at the table and pulls my chair out. As I sit down he kisses my cheek and pushes me closer to the table. He gracefully moves to his seat and we spend an hour talking. "Did you enjoy your meal Love?" He asks as he clears my plate and washes it in the sink. "Yes, it was amazing I didn't know you could cook." I reply geting up from my seat. 

"I read a book." He says as he escorts me up to my room. "I will leave you to get ready for bed, the bathroom and closet are through that door." He says pointing to a large white door. He kisses my hand and leaves the room. I go to the bathroom filling the tub with warm water and rose scented bubble bath. I lay in the tub, thinking, thinking about how sweet Carlisle is. How understanding Esme, Alice and Jasper are about all this. I think how to tell Edward that I am with Carlisle. That will be a difficult conversation. 

I pull myself out of the water and change into my pyjamers. When I crawl into the bed, I feel a cold body next to me. Of course it's Carlisle. I turn to face him and he kisses me ever so gently on the lips. I curl up into his chest and begin to drift off. As he notices me drifting off, he says ever so sweetly "Good night, my Love." and kisses my forehead. 

Carlisle POV

Once she finishes talking to Alice and Esme, she into the large kitchen where I am standing by a large bowl of Italian Pasta and the table has two seats and candles. "What is all this?" my angel asks wondering why I was doing this, I am already hers, I just need to show her that I am hers forever and won't leave her. "It is a special dinner for you, My Love." I reply grinning from ear to ear.I set her place at the table and pulls her chair out. As she sits down I kiss her cheek and push her closer to the table. I move to my seat and we spend an hour talking. "Did you enjoy your meal Love?" I ask as I clear her plate and wash it in the sink. "Yes, it was amazing I didn't know you could cook." she replies geting up from her seat. 

"I read a book." I say as I escort her up to her room. "I will leave you to get ready for bed, the bathroom and closet are through that door." I say pointing to the large white door. I kiss her hand and leave the room. I go to my study and think about how lucky I am to have her and how thankful I am that Esme is so understanding. Also I think of how we can tell Edward. 

When I crawl into the bed, I feel her warm body next to me. She turns to face me and I kiss her ever so gently on the lips. She curls up into my chest and begins to drift off. As I notice her drifting off, I say ever so sweetly "Good night, my Love." and kiss her forehead. 

Bella and Carlisle CullenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora