Meeting the DR

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Bella POV

Today is the day that Edward is taking me to meet his family. I am extremely nervous, not because they are vampires but because I want them to like me. I am sitting in my room when I hear a knock on the door. He's here! I grab my bag and run down stairs, butterflies filling my chest. When I open the door I am looking into those golden eyes that I love so much. He lifts me up and I lean my head into his neck as he moves me to the passenger seat of his car and then we are off. 

As the house comes into view my heart beats faster. "Everything alright love?" Edward asks concern filling his eyes. 
"I am fine, just nervous" I reply, at least I think that it is just nerves...
"Why are you nervous?" he asks. 
Why did he have to ask that, I don't want to tell him it's because I want them to like me. "I am nervous because I am worried that they won't like me..." I say quietly as I look out the window at the large house. 

I can hear him laughing as he jumps out and opens my door at vampire speed. He takes hold of my hand and I flinch at his cold touch. As we walk to the door, I can hear his family talking. The door bursts open to see a short dark haired girl, with a tall blonde hairded man that seemed like he was confused. Finally after what seemed like forever she introduced herself. "Hi, I am Alice and this is Jasper" "I can already tell we will be great friends!"

She grabs me and drags me inside. I see a large, muscular guy standing next to a blonde girl that looks as if she is happy to see me. "This is Rosalie and Emmett." Shouts Alice as she comes bouncing down the stairs followed by another dark haired women, "This is Esme and Carisle" she announces. I look to the left of Esme and see a tall blonde hair man, he has the physic of someone in their late 20's. His eyes caught mine and they were the deepest shade of gold and they sparkled in the light. He had the most amazing smile I have ever seen. 

Bella and Carlisle CullenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora